Sounds more like a Wiki than threaded
But I think you are looking for something with a little more time dimension and a lot more structure.
Might want to include a voting mechanism. Definitely a revision system.
I think, other than a single revisable dissent and a possible side-thread, we would want to get away from the reply-reply-reply pattern we use currently. Nothing against that pattern, but if it were allowed we would just fall back into it an do exactly what we are doing here.
So here's my proposed Use Case:
1) A question is posed.
2) Several people post proposed articles. So far, this is exactly what we do now - here is where divergence starts. There is only one level for the articles. People may post counter-articles, but those would be at the same level. And references to proposed articles are discouraged, because most of the proposed articles are going to a deep archive.
- Each proposed article has a thread. Possibly here, preferably as a part of the article object.
3) After a pre-determined period (I'm thinking a week is slightly long), a proposed article is selected. Could be selected by vote, could be by volume of discussion. A dissent is attatched to the article, either one of the other proposed articles or a blank one. The idea of the dissent is that no-one is refused a voice in the result.
4) The author, or an editor, rolls new content from the discussion thread into the article. The author of the dissent does the same.
5) The group verifies that the revised article and the dissent reflects the views expressed in the discussion. GOTO 4.
6) An editor corrects spelling and grammar.
White guys in suits know best
- Pat McCurdy