I feel similarly about enforced seat belts / cycle helmets: in a sane society unafflicted with growing dumbth - both would be seen as the Daddy-meddling They Are\ufffd; 'laws' would be entirely superfluous.
And when you throw in the naked glee of Insurance Co intere$ts (which one must grudgingly admit too: are not entirely-different from mere personal means of continued survival) - the topic is bound to incite conflicting emotions.
My take is that: Yes we Are that Dumb. Many.. still will not wear seat belts, even the quick one-hand types (orig. Saab, Volvo designs). Most DO NOT comprehend that their 'air bags' = our sop to fully understood terminal laziness - become much more Lethal weapons when you are NOT belted.
I can grok to fullness too, why most any person with medical experience: HATES the lazy bastards whose scrambled body parts they have to labor to super-glue together.
So - a long way around saying.. I agree with
What You Said.