Forget it
The point Todd is making is that the PC quite simply is not where innovation happens in the user interaction arena. Even though I personally believe that Apple have lost their way somewhat with the UI of OSX, it's still more usable and pleasant than Windows 2000 or XP.
I always thoroughly enjoy working with my mother's iMac when I go to visit (once I get over that HORRENDOUS mouse. I take my Intellimouse Explorer with me :-)) because quite simply the Apple engineers have been thorough in their design of the user interface in a way that really doesn't exist anywhere else. [I hope and pray that the lessons the GNOME project learned in their usability study are applied and applied hard. Even now, you can see in GNOME2 that things are just simpler, whereas KDE seems to be heading in the opposite direction - just take a look at the KDE3 control centre for an example of Too Much Interface.]
The Windows 95 start menu and task bar were stolen from Acorn's RISCOS operating system, by the way. Shame they didn't steal the other good stuff, like being able to work with windows that are not on the top of the window pile, having a fast and simple filer with nothing to break, leak or spill, having fast proper antialiased outline fonts with subpixel hinting and scaffolding, having a simple command line available with the press of a key (hit f12, enter commands, hit enter twice to return to desktop)...
Pointing at the PCJr doesn't really help either, because it was a wretched pile of shit that needed to die, and fast. Thankfully, it did.
[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]