We'd have to have a Logo change for Pub13 methinks..
Unlikely there could coalesce.. a dastardly group as irreverent n'irrelevant as This one, and as humble.. unless n+1 monkeys Could ! type the words to Frank Zappa's immortal
She's Leaving Home...
So as member #400 arrives at the floating crap game.. the game moves offshore - to the casino built in the middle of the Alaskan wildlife preserve, accessible only by HumVees across the tundra..
Follow the trail of discarded Colt45 cans and condoms, off to yer left and right. Weave a lot, so's the ruts are kinda levelled off where the plant-life died. Look for the neon lights labelled Librul/Cunservative for the dog&pony show at main entrance. It's right there under the stolen McD's arch with Wisdom chiselled into the lo-bid sandy concrete structure via
..the jawbone of an ass. Just set yer GPS to the location marked Perdition (would you like pizzazz with that?)
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