Hah you jest !? - that blame is EZ: unrestrained subsidized greed regardless of race, creed or national lobotomy. Them Repos ate-up the apparent hands-off Prosperity R'Us, loved the gutting of welfare (+ Mcjobs for all the mothers too -- whose work raising the little tykes was deemed not real Work, like ya do.. answerin phones at The Office for $7/hr and no perks.) And they were ecstatic about the Popular Deregulation of Everything! scam. Leavin all that ethics stuff to them CIEIOs. Wanna blame Bill for the entire Carefully-Crafted Cesspool\ufffd which is Murican Biz-Ethics 2K too ?? hmmm ??
(OK maybe you were into the absinthe again..)
It will irk however that - the previous Pres. you so cavalierly dismissed with the usual meaningless generalities of the unwashed: managed to 'be present to EIGHT YEARS of "an unprecedented upward mobility of that which is our ^Visible^ God: the GNP" [byanyothernewName].
While... Bush-Daddy Tonguetied I saw the exact same thing. Only the polarity was [-]. No, there's actually only a small correlation between occcupancy of the now-Gray House and.. the $$ game, but face it: in Murica it's the Perception that Counts. Certainly the populace can't (count).
Bill makes all them Big men richer than ever before (and the lo-end lower than before = actually Backwards in spendable income VS 20 years ago. Now THAT's PROGRESS) Notice that continuing trend btw? And you want to dis him! (and Not dis Ronnie for Inventing Greed Is Good ??) Who ya crappin..
ie Screw Bush.. when the Congress is certifiably bought, the USSC is dishonest by Its Own! Religio-politico 'philosophy' - what matter a Village Idiot at the Apex? (never mind claimed membership.. in the One US Party With Two Right Wings\ufffd)
Born day-before [link|http://www.wtv-zone.com/lumina/judy/main.html|Yesterday ] (An Immortally-perfect flic with the incomparable Judy Holliday, Wm. Holden.. which captures Perfectly!
Murican Biz 'Ethics' 2K. Only it was filmed in 1950. Le plus s\ufffd change)