The Linux Zaurus now works so that I can read & post new messages & updates. 3 months ago I couldn't.

The iPAQ was giving two types of error last night but I also noticed that some strange things were happeing in trying to access parts of US from my normal LAN so can't be sure where blame lies.

With Win2002 I can read the forums, I can select to reply, it asks for login etc: then when I say SAVE the response or post I get the error (seems similar to what you reported). #2 - Zope Error ..... Error Type: name error, Error Value: Forumid. (now that I had the time to look I see it doesn't actually say Win2002 is crap as I reported earlier (grin)).

I wonder if Opera Browser (the one that now works with ZOPE on my Zaurus) would work on Win2002 or if the administrator justifiably doesn't waste his time trying to support MSIE on Win2002.

