...here's a list of equally absurd things that ticks off Righties. :) (BTW, I'm reminded of Opus P. flapping his left then right flipper, trying to figure it out...)
1. Sex. Specifically, anybody talking about it in any public forum such that others might hear it.
2. Women's rights. Specifically, the right to choose NOT to be barefoot 'n pregnant. Righties don't like competition, especially from the superior 50% of the species.
3. People who believe that freedom of religion doesn't mean choosing which church to worship God at.
4. The environment. Specifically, not being able to screw it up for short-term benefit without regards to anybody else's safety.
5. Mass transit. Since they don't believe that anybody would actually NOT want to sit in traffic for 2+ hours a day.
6. Homosexuals. Secretly, they don't mind lesbians because they think they could join in, but consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds...
7. The poor. For daring to exist.
8. Public education. For giving the poor a chance to become middle class, AND to intermingle with their kids, filling them with the idea that the poor might actually be real people.
9. Feelings. The only feelings a right winger should ever experience is contempt for those below them, envy for those above them, and greed for what they don't have yet.
10. Diplomacy. Why work something out with somebody, when we can get all those poor folks to go over there and kill them for us, while we're sucking profit out of the military industrial complex?
11. Pacifists. For not willingly going along with the plan to get killed while enriching the right wingers.
Anybody got more?