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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Panic over.
I'm here now, you can breathe again.

BTW, did you know that Windows 2000 makes a dandy platform for Zope?
Shill For Hire
New I can't believe you said that...
Oh wait - yes I can...

Wade, grinning, ducking and running for the second time, since we seem to have had a slight reversion of messges...

"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New Oh no...that shill from the UK found us.
I wonder if he's going to try and make me use Windows XP when its released.

It will obviously be advertised as the next best thing to sliced bread.

I'm gonna start using MACS soon :-/

I have no choice!
New There is no escape
And once I get out of this vat, and find my towel, I'm coming over there to steal your job.
Shill For Hire
New Psst mate, wanna buy a slightly maimed copy
of Win98 - hardly been used, comes complete with rampant redirects so that every surfing experience need not leave the Mother Ship ('course if'n ya know a couple o' them Phi Beta Registrar keys to the executive loo well... this 'yere Bolivian Blue'll be a bitin' fingers and screamin cuss words just like new).

Now the little brad in the W98 talon's just to help Ol Blue keep his feet on the perch, mind you. Honest - he's just in sleep mode. A lot. He's just not much of an Explorer, scout. Anyway - really it's hardly been used at all. Useless one might say.

OK - maybe a little trade then? Sayfer one o' those WToucans er WTwokays? I heard they have really fine feathers..
Oh! did I mention the finely crafted filigrees around - yep the File Menus. Why ya gets to gaze off into that little pitcher and white space just a framin' all this techno stuff so pretty.. well, yes the actual File Info is in umm maybe 6-point Greek Tragedy Goudy - but hey! it's really Lots prettier than that ol 6-year old wounded parrot.

I mean - like those Whole Page er 'Properties' pictures - y'know? like when ya want to make yer cookie file (er "web viewing enhancement messages") R/O n' such? why instead of the dinky little 4-boxes say: ya gets A Whole little sculptured Page-let! to click one o' those 4 little boxes on. And it swoops and chandelles a lot like the little picture when ya copy somethin - boy those pages just Fly. It's a real Professional System! (though I guess the Twokay must have gilt-edges on the flyin pages too?)

(I'll bet that WTwokay bird's got such colorful feathers! - maybe the individual filename letters are -- different colors? and maybe ya can customize them so each one sounds different too?)

But ya know the neatest thing? Why I was a Explorin and a clickin on those bright-colored little boxes.. y'know? just sorta seein what pretty things I'd got fer free - and before I knowed it: why I had myself 4! (yep four) o' those different 'ISP - things' (Insolent Sorbet Purveyors - I think) and each one said he was better than the other ones.

Look.. if ya won't trade me up to a Twokay - how about just evensies for a well-thumbed copy of "Bill Gates and His Band of Barbarians" Huh? See: I just wanted a file manager and I got just so much More than that. I'll throw in a Coors Light too - great for cleaning sidewalls on tyres and inventin' stories 'bout Murican "beer" habits.
(Yeah - they do keep horses at Coors - why do you ask?)

98 Bird Fancier
forgot to line the bottom of the cage..

Hi Peter! :-P
     Panic over. - (pwhysall) - (4)
         I can't believe you said that... - (static)
         Oh no...that shill from the UK found us. - (bepatient) - (2)
             There is no escape - (pwhysall) - (1)
                 Psst mate, wanna buy a slightly maimed copy - (ashton2)

This is for Drew Khan. This is on God's reaching out to you from K Force.
36 ms