My now vague recollection was of the transparent sexual innuendo, and like so Much Murican stuff.. it was at a 12 yo level - so it wasn't even good innuendo. (Muricans, like the Puritans - haven't the foggiest about eroticism.. just porno IMhO)

Getting the audience to fantasize about the (Dr. + assistants) on off-hours, is to miss the Dr. Who milieu and just make it another US sitcom. Maybe the Brit version works simply because they (and most any other country w/ possible exception of Japanese) aren't obsessed with evading Puritanism by flaunting it. Usually inanely.

Nope.. I can't imagine a US Dr. Who ... only a {yawn} US Dr. Horny with toilet jokes a la SNL. {Ugh}
