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New How to make money programming?
I may have to start my own company and write programs to try and sell them if nobody is to hire me. What is the best way to go about doing this? Should I use an Open Source License and then charge for customizations?

I was thinking about ASP based web applications, and then I can convert them to PHP or JSP later for the Linux platform. I wrote down a whole bunch of ideas I had on a Notebook, but I have lost that Notebook. I'll just have to start over from scratch, or what I can remember of what I wrote down.

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New Tried that
I sell ASP components on the web. The income barely pays for the web hosting, and customers can be a pain in the butt, trying to get me to do custom programming for them in the guize of "support".

I have another idea to try because of some "inside information" about a certain niche. However, it is more to hone my PHP skills than earn a buck.

I was even thinking about going into art. However, art is too crowded a field. I found out that even poor artists get laid relatively often (for their income level), thus money is *not* the driving factor: people go into it for the chicks, not the money. Thus, you are competing against a bunch of dicks, literally.

I just got off of a temporary stint, but as time goes on I might try more and more desparate measures. For example, pose as an overseas developer and work under the guise of a cheap foriegner for an outsourcing agency. I would rather get min. wage in programming than in flipping burgers. I hate repetitous work.
(Can burger flippers listen to a radio while they work? Which min-wage professions can?)

Good Luck on your jurney
New tunes whie you work
construction laborer, boombox is mandatory
parking valet
car detailer
clerical government employee (gotta be a minority to get that one)
engineer/gofer at radio station
agricultural worker (sub minimum wage)
record store clerk.

."Once, in the wilds of Afghanistan, I had to subsist on food and water for several weeks." W.C. Fields
New Web Services?
Seems to be all the rage these days. Keep the source to yourself. Charge monthly (or reduced lump sum for an annual commitment) fee for usage.

Implement in Java (or PHP. Does it do SOAP?) instead of ASP. Easier to deploy on Linux or Windows as necessary.

1. Create Web Service
3. Profit!
Chris Altmann
New Step 2
that is the tricky part, eh? The ones the Underpants Gnomes from "South Park" haven't figured out yet?

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
New You need a vertical market.
That is, a market that is a bit of a niche but where the players generally know each other, and the product is (somwehat) specialised to their industry.


"Ah. One of the difficult questions."

New The market is vertical alright: virtically down
New Even MS's marketing is having a hard time selling web srvcs
I don't see why they make web services into something complicated. I once made a "service" where an auction listing service spider picked up our auction data. It simply went to a certain URL and that returned an HTML (think XML) list of open auction items.

One could send URL parameters. Something like:


Use "post" instead of "get" for longer stuff.

K.I.S.S. My Soap
Expand Edited by tablizer July 17, 2002, 10:08:57 PM EDT
     How to make money programming? - (orion) - (7)
         Tried that - (tablizer) - (1)
             tunes whie you work - (boxley)
         Web Services? - (altmann) - (4)
             Step 2 - (orion) - (2)
                 You need a vertical market. - (static) - (1)
                     The market is vertical alright: virtically down -NT - (tablizer)
             Even MS's marketing is having a hard time selling web srvcs - (tablizer)

The only reason the bongos are the worst is because AIs have never tried chicken nuggets before.
46 ms