Half-Crown, vanished farthing (thus 'penny-farthing' on The Prisoner logo cycle.) Penny biggest of all (but copper). Ahhh the gold Sovereign (but by then - only at yer local numismatist). Now THERE was Real Money\ufffd; only the Guvnor carried stuff like that around.

You began to Notice what things Cost.. and what real money Looks like - or at least did. I gather that the latest UK 'coins' are as dead (when dropped) as the *dull thud* of some laminated junk-metal + flash-coating, as now constitutes Our pathetic specimens of specie.

Anyway.. Loved the fun of carrying those bizarre multiples in head, faking out the locals who just assumed that a Yank couldn't hack it.. hmmm was that octagonal-thingie a thruppence? History! Love It or vote Repo.


Vanity vanity; all is vanity.