Note also the Ads showing.. toothpaste squeezed out of tube for a Whole Brush-length - when anyone with hi single-digit IQ realizes that 10% of that will do the job quite handily.Ackcherly, I saw a dentist in a Swedish "Consumer Guide"-type TV show (that exposes "scandals" and goes for the "on the little guy's side" image, so probably not in cahoots w/ manufacturers) a couple months ago, who said that it works best if you DO use a whole brush-length of paste. I used to belong to the "10% school" too, but since seeing this I've tried to remember to use more; he seemed to know what he was talking about -- and, hey, the expense of buying six or eight tubes of toothpaste a year, in stead of two or three, won't kill my budget!
Especially since I don't have to buy the most expensive name-brand stuff -- he also said they're all pretty much the same, "New Improved Formula" slogans notwithstanding; buy any kind you like or think you can afford (as long as it's fluoridated, he was pretty keen on that; and preferably not abrasive).
Just make sure you use lots of toothpaste (if too much of it in your mouth makes you gag -- the host of the show asked, claiming this happens to him -- do just a part at a time, pasting your brush in between), use a soft brush, and (he stressed this too) *don't* rinse out your mouth perfectly; leaving some toothpaste-foam on your teeth, this expert claimed, is essential in order for the fluoride to have time to do its work.
YMMV, etc, but it all seemed to make sense to me.