Pray to God that all will come good ? (hmmmmm)
Everyone learn to share the world's resources? (some might! but otherwise downright naive)
Everyone learn to live together (as for above)
Universal education & a program to teach people to be self sufficient (wonderful ideal - so who does it ?)
A few problems.
#1. There are a limited amount of resources at any given point in time.
#2. The US consumes more of these resources, per capita, than any other nation.
#3. The US will use military might to maintain the status quo.
Human reality is that someone/tribe/group/clan, will always want to dominate.
Yep. And at the moment, it is us.
When someone dominates, someone else is being dominated.
Again, yep.
My view is that the best one can hope for is to be among the dominant ones during one's lifetime or as second best, to be protected by the dominant ones in the same period.
If you're taking the short-term, self-absorbed viewpoint, that is so.
What is best for the individual is not always best for the group (group == world in this instance).
Not only that, but it becomes impossible to "justify" our actions in any other form than "I've got mine and I'll kill anyone who tries to take it or stop me from taking more".
Now, when viewed in that light, there is no difference between our actions and Osama's actions or Saddam's actions or Stalin's actions.
If you're at the top of the food chain, you have to kill to protect your position.
If you're not at the top of the food chain, you have to kill to get there.
Now, imagine how our international relations would look if they were practiced by individuals in a city. Anarchy. Of the bad kind.
The question is, since we are at the top right now, can we change the situation? Can we establish Law as the rule instead of Might? We sort of tried this with the League of Nations (which became the UN), but we didn't want our ability to enforce our will through our might to be restricted. So we didn't give it any power over us.
But, as soon as the dominant power gets a conscience, history of the past 1000s of years shows that that power then gets seen as weak and some other force then has the will to become dominant.
I don't see that. I see the standard struggle to rise against the clearly defined "oppressor". The rise to the top of the food chain. The fight to stay there. The decline as luxury leads to decadence. And a new culture fights its way to the top.
It isn't being perceived as weak that makes a society vulnerable. It is being weaker than the upcoming society.
Societies, as with individuals, gain strength by exerting themselves against resistance.
If we're basing the global society upon Might Makes Right, then the cycle will continue. There will always be someone struggling against the dominant society and getting stronger because of it.
Seems to me that warfare is not diminishing, we just keep getting more efficient at it.
It is not diminishing. It is part of the struggle that I refered to.
How many people do you know that have spent their entire life in combat zones? We have that now. In several nations. Not in the US.
Places where generations have been fighting. Refining themselves through battle.
Wars bacame global in our lifetime.
We have made little to no progress toward fighting wars by non lethal means.
Nor will we. Until we (the US) are willing to abide by third party arbitration/judgement regarding our dealings with other nations.
We are the dominant power and we set the tone for the world.
What we do, not what we say or how we justify or rationalize what we do.
Instead of channeling the world's resources to support the luxuries we enjoy as individuals, we need to start building a WORKABLE United Nations.
Without Justice there is no Peace.
The alternative is a future of increasingly destructive terrorist attacks and our eventual decline.