.....had I been "astute"(where the hell is the spell checker in this bowser anyway:-{ ) enough to notice the preview checkbox..........My post would have been sooner. I was at "work" when I joined and ran short on time.......one of our Admins was on vacation......and the natives were restless.
to the fold ??? I spent 20 years working with "Grumpy ol' butt-cracks"... I do hope there is NO symlink there ......(ewwwwwwwwwwww)
molbdron........I have been backwards all my life .......only seemed natural..
Boston eh??? Did I mention my caH in the last post ???? (Cheers was based on the Bullfinch Pub(Boston Architecht circa 1800-1850).
Hippe type.......got me on the long hair BUT.......hippies were 60's.....mine was the "apatheteic generation" (Was told so BY a 60's child LOLOLOLOLOL).....to which I say ....mine is the generation that powered the PC/internet generation tht drives the world .........(Eat my shorts Deborah Mae!!!!!!(GOD THAT FELT GOOD!!!!))....
And now that I have totally digressed.......I will be "hobbying" my brother-in-laws addition this weekend.........(Thank God for late night internet .........)
MaHk ;)