She's at least responding well to sequential questions - seems problems developed when J. sent her some 'upgrade'.. Think it's time for her to get a real ISP and trash this trashy outfit.
Will pass on the mail-save idea - it has the advantage of being about bulletproof.
The ad-lingo on Juno site is just too reminiscent of the ad crap I received from Earthlink (which bought up my previous ISP) before I bailed: reams and reams of cutesy-toy crap - but if you wanted them to fix a tech problem, 7 different #s, none of them talking to the others.
Even when I narrowed the problem to a fscked "mail-alias lookup table" in So-Cal - they couldn't just Fix It - for 4 more days; I finally got to a Sr. Manager a mere 50 miles away and offered to drive up to Sacramento and edit this *&^$% table myself. 2 hrs. later my mail was restored. At a mere $50/hr: they still owe me ~$300 IMhO.
I expect this to be the story for millions soon - when there are only 3 ISPs left. Corp-Am Medicine - why not Everything.