I mean, the flat-earthers are wrong too, but if I posted a snide comment every time I found another news item that provides evidence the planet is round - particularly if most of them were only evidence of such from my own peculiar perspective, say, anything where a round object, planet or not, is shown - you guys would get annoyed.

Because nobody but their friends cares what a few flakes think, unless there is something special about their ideas or they turn those thoughts into actions.

So what are the consequences? There may be some, but I just don't see them.

I see some consequences to nihilism and indiscrimination, but I just don't see independant consequences to the idea that we don't have a monopoly on worthwhile culture.

Genital mutilation, for example, isn't bad because it's done by foreigners, it's just plain bad, and would be even if it were invented in the good old USA. The Mona Lisa isn't great becasue Da Vinci was a white man, it's great because it's great.

You've presented the idea that foreigners sometimes do bad things, therefore multiculturalism considers the worst anywhere as equivalent to the best here. And you've proven that that idea is quite stupid. Which it is, no matter where "here" is. Well, it's a big world and if you look hard enough you can find people who think water isn't wet, so I'm sure there are people who think the worst things foreigners do are equivalent to the best we do. But are there people whose ideas matter who think that, people we need to either convert or disempower?

I'm not asking rhetoricaly - I really want to know. I want to know names, titles, and who the victims are. Not a vague "Liberals" or "academics" or "postmodernists." An answer in the form "Joe-Bob Marx, Professor of Janitorial Studies at the WallaWalla Institute of Wetness, requested that Saint Alexander Nightengale III be denied tenure for saying that carving the Venus de Milo is better than gang raping a young woman to punish her family for violating caste. The request was granted." will do, if non-fictional. The "request was granted" part is not optional, stupid requests that are denied prove nothing.