These people simply do not have an implacable desire to kill those who cheered the slaughter of thousands of American citizens.That's right. I do not.
Because I understand that those people cheering are no different from our people cheering when we bomb one of their cities.
I understand that those people waving their flags are no different from our people waving our flags.
I understand that if one of our "patriots" were born over there instead of over here, s/he'd be one of those cheering the the death of US citizens.
The MENTALITY doesn't change, just the object of it.
And THAT is determined by where you live.
They kill innocents.
We kill innocents.
They're trying to drive what they perceive as a foreign invader from their homeland.
We're retaliating for their attacks against us.
If you can rise above that, if you can move on from that, you weren't angry in the first place.The ability to rise above your emotions and view the situation without that encumberance is one of the marks of an adult.
There are cultures that carry the anger of "crimes" committed against them across generations.
You know which ones I'm talking about.
To paraphrase Orwell, in this war, those who cannot stay focused on fighting the enemy are objectively pro-terrorist.If you ain't fer us, you're agin us.
Sorry, the world does not operate on that dichotomy. Despite the efforts of certain individuals to claim it does.
The response to the attacks has, and this has been admitted by the experts, resulted in an even MORE difficult situation. The various cells no long have any form of central reporting.
The CORRECT response would have resulted in Osama's capture/death. Along with increased intelligence on the cells.
This did not happen.
We are NOT changing our course.
Even though the EXPERTS have ADMITTED that such a course is a FAILURE in its stated goals.
Terrorism is NOT diminished.
Wanting to correct the course to achieve the goals is NOT pro-terrorist.