We may yet... have a "communal" storage area... if all things come to pass as (hoped) expected...

Something in an e-mail coming from a certain [link|http://merit.edu|organization], is comfirming we may get both to be a "service" node and be able to have "co-location" of dedicated mirroring storage at thier NOC... with me having "full administrative" i.e.: ROOT priviledges on these pieces of equipment...

BTW, got an e-mail message from Vint Cerf asking me about an idea I mentioned to him on June 13th during a 2 hour chat I had with him, about status (or better, the lack of good status) in the "inter-planetary" network he is working on... with NASA. My idea was a tri-state tokenized communication architechture, based upon "sets" with control and schedules using a serialized manner of timeshare. Best parts: NO status, No Collison, no arguing about who can speak when.

And !ADMIN, where is that "Alfa-Sierra-Hotel-Tango-Oscar-November-India-Zulu-Echo-Romeo" on the priority list?