That would require the expansion of the structure and power of the West European Union. Its the military wing of the EU. However, there is one NATO member which, over the decades, has been pulling out all the stops to prevent this from happening.
Officialy rhetoric claims the WEU would weaken NATO. The real problem (as we see it ;) is that the WEU has the capacity to create a new super power. Which is something that same NATO member will absolutely not let happen, even to to point of using its military might to prevent it.
With "divide and rule" being the policy towards European attempts to unify their military, the upshot is that Europe can't take care of anything right now even if they wanted to. As it is, market economics may make resistance moot. The EU simply can't afford 28 national armies anymore and the smaller members are already turning towards more specialized roles to complement the larger states.
Who knows... maybe this flap over the International Court may yet get all the geese stepping in the same direction >:-)