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New Thai stick nostalgia

6 minutes of: oh isn't this silly, with about 45 seconds up, God damn it! That is so cute and it warms my heart.

Villages of people who have immense tolerance who can consume huge quantities of THC everyday and welcome their visitor.

That's now. So we see these monster plants everywhere and we see the communal gathering.

What we don't see is what I thought thai stick was. I seem to recall it being dipped in opium. I also recall the armies of warlords that ran those hills. I don't think I would want to be wandering out there no matter how much these people are smiling.
New Thai stick nostalgia indeed!
True story: in the late seventies, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I was a munchkin at Flatline, Comatose, Torpor & Drowse, I was taken backstage as part of a tour of a US Customs international mail facility and shown a tabletop heaped high with seized Thai stick: there must have been at least a thousand, stacked loose. I seized a couple of handfuls and buried my face in these, inhaling deeply. “My god,” I whispered reverently, “I’ve never seen this much Thai stick in”—realizing almost too late that I was drawing funny looks from my supervisor and from the Customs staff; hastily dropping the contraband back onto the pile—“um, in fact, I’ve never seen Thai stick before in my entire life!”

Decades later, in the stately marble corridors of the Flatline Building in downtown San Francisco, I passed the head of our legal division going the other way. “Do you smell that?” she asked me. “Smell what?” for indeed I detected no particular scent. “It’s marijuana. I could swear someone’s been smoking marijuana nearby.” “Martha,” I reproached her (I should note here that by this time FCT&D, now BrainDead Systems, had crawled so far up Homeland Security’s arse that we were all now subject to random drug testing) “not only would I never recognize the odor of marijuana smoke, but I’m astonished that you do!” That drew a sour “yeah, right.”

(Even before the BDS era, Flatline was institutionally kinda stuffy, and during my early years in the International Division, some of my most entertaining undergraduate anecdotes could not be recounted without detailed reference to the immoderate consumption of prohibited recreational intoxicants. I had the happy inspiration to devise “Cousin Ernie,” a scamp of a fellow student who’d recounted all these amusing episodes to sedulous, sober me as I pored over a hot microfiche reader in the university library or strolled to a meeting of the campus Temperance Society. Office discourse was thereby enlivened and decorum preserved.)

New Very nice
I put myself into rehab at age 18 from smoking too much pot and going nowhere with my life. It worked.

So then I had 27 years of sobriety. The first few years were intense aa/na touring type sobriety. I was a true believer. In what, who the hell knows, since it's a religion, but I was part of the cult. At least for the first few years.

Then I got a life and stopped going to meetings and stayed sober for 27 years.

Basically my wife told me I was being annoying and I must have had a pissy day and I always am nicer when I come back after a meeting, so go to a meeting. And then I went to my girlfriend's. Or my other girlfriend's. Or both of them together when they moved in together. Sometimes they worked the same shift, sometimes a different shift, you never knew who would be home. That's why I have five kids.

I enjoyed that a lot more than meetings and I stayed sober. I recommend my method over any other.

Just because I checked into rehab for the Cannabis doesn't mean I did not experiment with pretty much everything. I had stories. Oh my Lord, I had stories. Some of them have turned into lrpds here, sliced and diced, one of my favorite was meth mouse.

So throughout my career I could always tell these. Someone would offer me a drink or offer me a whatever and I would decline. People hate that because at that moment you are the non-drinker in the bunch and they think they're being judged.

So I respond that I did way too much in my youth and it'll end up a story. That puts them at ease and entertains them and they can keep on doing whatever they're doing without being worried about it.

I could be in the stuffiest business situation where we were pitching to the army and we made a lot of money from the army.

In one of them I had actually slept at work overnight due to a system crash recovery and that morning I was told I had to present to the army and so I went to Walmart and bought a suit and shaving kit.

I could always say, no. Thanks, I had way too much fun in my youth. And then the story would begin. Or I can comment, God. Damn that Thai stick smells good. Let me tell you about my neighbor Barney.

Barney was great, Barney had the house across the street from us. Had a perfectly stuffy wife and a perfectly prim and proper teenage daughter when I was a little kid. His daughter babysat me for years.

Barney owned a fencing business and Barney had a lot of money. Barney was the first of the block to get divorced.

And then they felt like Domino's. My parents among them.

A few years later I was hanging out with Barney and he opened up his freezer and showed me it was filled with Thai stick. I didn't smoke any of that thai stick. I wasn't going to be smoking with Barney that day. That day was to come.

A year later my brother Leon got married. He was having a party at his house. There was a circle of people including my father and Barney and his hot wife.

Think Marie Osmond but actually sexy. Of course this was the second wife. Barney was around 60. I'd say she was around 25.

Barney whips out a fat joint and lights it up and starts passing it around the circle. This was in my brother's downstairs area of his house. We are standing around all looking at my father.

This is not the first time I've tried to hand my father a joint. The last time he refused. He does not smoke pot. Ever. Think old school bald slightly chubby 5'11" accountant. Always wears a suit. Single child. Grew up in Philadelphia in the '30s.

And he's had great difficulties with his druggie kids, especially me.

So hot wife tries to pass the joint to my father and he refuses. She says no problem, she reverses it deeply into her mouth, grabs him by the face and shotguns him with a kiss.


The crowd goes wild. My father takes another hit and enjoys it.

I can tell that story to the colonels who run the recruiting for all military branches when we are pitching them our computer selection recruitment services to go find those vulnerable kids to kill for them.

We also fulfilled on the socks and frisbees and anything that they were pitching. Anytime anyone called that 800 number or hit that website it went to our call center or my software. I traveled to local recruiting branches and installed our software and instructed the recruiting personnel.

And told stories. Far worse than that one. Involving things I did. And they always reacted the same. You are a great example and you are doing so great right now, good for you.

I currently have a hell of a cannabis grow going right now. I'll post a pointer to it in a bit. It's the result of a year and a half of stupidity. Documented stupidity. But you can see it's going very well right now if you want to. A dozen plants with 10 varieties, four of them autoflowers which are flowering right now.

All legal.


Today's post:


If you start from the beginning, you will see the insanity of the failure of the mail order clones and the outdoor shed attached to the house. If you look at the previous threads you'll see when I tried to grow in the shed at the edge of my property and killed a whole bunch of plants stupidly.

At this point everything is rebuilt into my kitchen downstairs. I have total use of the bottom floor of my house for the next 7 months so that means both grow and hanging cure.
Expand Edited by crazy Jan. 8, 2025, 02:51:30 PM EST
New Heh, the pitfalls of language.
This really threw me, at first:
Barney owned a fencing business and Barney had a lot of money.
I was all, "Wha, you can get rich on fencing??? How; as a coach? Epée or saber???"

Yeah no, probably not that kind of fencing.

   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking Everything

Mail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at iki.fi
New Yeah, no, nothing that fancy
Barney sold fencing.
New Re: Heh, the pitfalls of language.
One might also have understood it to mean that Barney moved stolen goods, which can also be profitable.

New Heh, *that* one didn't even occur to me at the time.
New ignore; dup
Expand Edited by rcareaga Jan. 8, 2025, 10:40:55 AM EST
     Thai stick nostalgia - (crazy) - (7)
         Thai stick nostalgia indeed! - (rcareaga) - (5)
             Very nice - (crazy) - (4)
                 Heh, the pitfalls of language. - (CRConrad) - (3)
                     Yeah, no, nothing that fancy - (crazy)
                     Re: Heh, the pitfalls of language. - (rcareaga) - (1)
                         Heh, *that* one didn't even occur to me at the time. -NT - (CRConrad)
         ignore; dup -NT - (rcareaga)

After personal optimization sets in, you have a population with very few abilities and a great many needs.
49 ms