Post #445,181
12/16/24 12:37:08 PM
12/16/24 12:37:08 PM

Sure? By no means.
What surprised me, as I mentioned, was how oddly satisfying it felt to heft the weapon (so heavy, so substantial for its compact size), and also, unbidden, the all but subliminal sensation of yeah, next clown tries to fuck with me is going to get his hash settled, stat! Made me understand the gun-fondler mindset a little better. Of course, in the half century in which I’ve dwelt in Oakland thousands of heat-packing men with that same attitude* have found themselves briefly guests at the county coroner’s office downtown. Should I decide to hang onto the weapon, I will certainly ascertain whether it is actually functional and may be discharged without hazard to the operator, and undertake to train in its use. Your comment, to be sure, includes a couple of points that might militate against its continued possession. *See next commentcordially, 
Post #445,182
12/16/24 12:38:15 PM
12/16/24 12:38:15 PM

“Night courage”
Post #445,186
12/16/24 2:07:21 PM
12/16/24 2:07:21 PM

Lots of superlatives in that last paragraph.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #445,187
12/16/24 7:01:13 PM
12/16/24 7:01:13 PM

My favorite uncle was a Life Member of the NRA.
Had lots of handguns, rifles, shotguns. And a 3 pounder cannon.
Reloaded his own shotgun shells (I helped him once).
He almost killed himself (luckily the bullet just grazed his index finger) once when he was cleaning his rifles and a rifle that he was sure was unloaded actually wasn't...
One summer during college I visited him and he took me and a friend out to shoot his handguns at a friend of his farm in the country where they had a backstop made of railroad ties.
44 Magnum, 45, and a few other things.
We had hearing protection, so I don't know how loud they were.
Yeah, they're big, heavy, well-balanced machines. And one can see the appeal.
But, man, are they dangerous!
We were maybe 50 feet from the backstop? I shot the 44 and the slug came flying back at us and landed at my feet. It was all mangled and spread out into a jagged sculpture maybe 2" wide. We backed up another 10-20 feet.
I shot another gun and once nothing happened. Pulled the trigger again, nothing. My uncle very carefully took the gun from my hand and unloaded it and we buried the dud shell. I don't know how common delayed explosions are and am very glad we didn't find out.
And we heard later that his friends' parents were upset because our shots were flying over the backstop and coming close to their house (apparently because the gun sights weren't "dialed in")....
And that was just an hour or so in the country with a guy who knew what he was doing!
Be careful, please. :-)
Best wishes, Scott.
Post #445,190
12/16/24 8:25:04 PM
12/16/24 8:25:04 PM

I once tried to ricoshet . . .
. . a bullet from my FN49 off a flat rock (out in the middle nowhere, of course). Even at a very shallow angle the velocity was so high the bullet and a bit of rock just turned to powder. 7mm full load machine gun rounds.
Post #445,192
12/17/24 12:48:52 AM
12/17/24 12:48:52 AM

15 metres from the target is waaaaaay too close for large calibre pistols
I can hear the wailing and gnashing of my old gun clubs rangemaster’s teeth from here!
Post #445,195
12/17/24 10:45:44 AM
12/17/24 10:45:44 AM

Yes, but ...
If I'm training for home defense, there's no place in my house where I'd be aiming at something more than 5-6 meters away.
Post #445,199
12/18/24 4:44:26 AM
12/18/24 4:44:26 AM

Large calibre handguns are also no good for that, iirc
Too much penetration - you’ve a decent chance of missing your evildoer and accidentally shooting your neighbour instead.
9mm, or a shotgun, are better choices - each with their pros/cons re: power, handling, accuracy, etc.
Post #445,200
12/18/24 9:53:21 AM
12/18/24 9:53:21 AM

Shotgun is the only thing for amateurs
Like me.
And if you're wimpy about it, you can put rock salt in them.
Post #445,201
12/18/24 10:17:44 AM
12/18/24 10:17:44 AM

That's an ammo problem
You want the stuff they give air marshals. Breaks up on impact, makes a right mess of people, but won't go through the airframe. (Theoretically.) Also probably super expensive. I mean, it was too expensive to practice with back when regular rounds were cheap.