Phone is annoying me.

Right top corner sweep down across.

This gives me a bunch of icons which includes one with the word Focus. Focus!?!? That is in the text description as part of the paragraph above, but in the actual picture they show you it has the dnd turned on. So it says dnd not focus in the picture. The phone right now says focus.

This is not DND but this is where I need to go. Press. If you hit the moon you can turn DND on. If you hit the word Focus you can then go into a menu which then gives you DND and then have to hit it and back out.

Then do a sweep to back out.

On Android it is volume rocker up on the external phone buttons. This provides an icon besides volume which includes a choice between dnd or speaker on or vibrate. Two button presses. It's a quick time out.

I am going to assume that Apple has a long hold button or a tap button of some sort to quickly shortcut to DND. Is that a bad assumption? Not that I actually need it, I'm good with this, I'm just wondering, because if not, here's another reason Apple sucks.