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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Good luck with it.
Sometimes generators just need help getting started and are Ok after running a while.

Starting fluid (ether) is magical in situations like that.


Looking forward to hearing about the Anker gizmo. It sounds almost too good to be true, but 2400W is on the small size (our old portable gas generator is 5500W, I think).

Good luck!

New Different usage scenarios
This battery will only last 1 hour at peak draw. Then it would need to be recharged. That's not happening in a blackout situation.

So you always have to think about minimizing the draw to make it last. Limp along.

A generator can go continuously at peak draw and in my case about 6 hours with the gas tank. And then you can refill it immediately and continue your max draw.

So this is really to ride out less than a couple of hours. If it goes more than that then oh well. When I first moved here there was a 24-hour blackout so I bought for that. Then it never happened again.
New And I know all about starting fluid
I had a 77 Impala in 1980. It had a 100,000 city miles on it. It was used as a packout for a soda company that my father was the president of. They always had trash cars they were getting rid of and that was mine. People would follow the truck and unload the pallets of sodas onto the shelves and price them.

That car would not start. I always had a can of starting fluid handy to spray in the carburetor.

But 4 years before that I was already using it. Ether is a critical chemical for home chemistry but it is next to a possible to find, at least in a pure form that a regular person can buy. That's because morons use it as an actual drug and inhale it.

On the other hand, morons like me were using it to make a home made meth.

The most critical thing to look for in ingredients was to find no petroleum products in there other than ether. That would kill me quicker than the meth. I have no idea if they make it that way anymore and I don't care.
     Replacement for my generator - (crazy) - (3)
         Good luck with it. - (Another Scott) - (2)
             Different usage scenarios - (crazy)
             And I know all about starting fluid - (crazy)

What a 'tard.
31 ms