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New I wonder
Did you ever see this? Did you pattern your usage after it?


Not attacking. Trying to understand. I don't recall you ever describing, so I'll just assume based on where you live that you have Viking heritage. Old Norse turned into German. Fuck is based out of German. Your usage makes perfect sense based on your linguistic background.

We were/are a puritanical society over here and certain magic words make us turn our heads. Most of us have learned to use those words sparingly to really slam it in when we use it.

Fuck is the most versatile, as Carlin said. But is not nearly the worst. And it is easily overused and discounted immediately.

Even in the groups where a constant stream of curses are perfectly the norm, when cunt pops up, everyone does a double take.

Is there a specific female in the vicinity that this could have been directed to? If so, prepare to be eviscerated. Did a female hear you use it at all? Here comes the pain unless it's against someone she really hates. And even then it's a bad idea since they will do some sisterhood bonding and come at you twice as hard.

Guys will very rarely use it within conversation amongst themselves. Simply doesn't happen. So when a British person lets off a stream of cuntity cunts it's kind of mind-boggling.
Expand Edited by crazy Sept. 7, 2024, 12:59:41 PM EDT
New And I just did a quick review of static conversation
You agreed with me. You responded harshly to static when he bailed. I was very gentle in that conversation compared to what it could have been.

"This is cheating. You already said they have an advantage, just not very much. You are supporting the cheaters."

And that was enough for me to apologize.

Which then turned into "you failed" from you.

Okay, what kind of bad day were you having that caused you to attack me for that?
     Dojo clusters - (crazy) - (22)
         I'm surprised by the amount of space between rows -NT - (drook) - (1)
             It makes sense - (crazy)
         Made me look... - (Another Scott) - (13)
             Not that I think he'll achieve it - (crazy) - (12)
                 "On the other hand, those factories would be great for making robots." - (drook) - (11)
                     Not at all - (crazy) - (9)
                         Aha, I think I get it. - (CRConrad) - (8)
                             At least attempted - (crazy) - (7)
                                 Later this month, it wll be 10 years that Greg Folkert died. - (a6l6e6x)
                                 Would you quit it with the lying? - (CRConrad) - (5)
                                     Hehe - (crazy) - (4)
                                         Please stop being such a fuckwit. - (CRConrad) - (3)
                                             Nope - (crazy) - (2)
                                                 I wonder - (crazy) - (1)
                                                     And I just did a quick review of static conversation - (crazy)
                     Speaking of manipulation, check out the Lincoln project ads - (crazy)
         And here's where Elon's breaking the law and he doesn't care - (crazy) - (5)
             Really starting, er, continuing to hate that guy. - (malraux)
             He's got a really simple flowchart - (drook)
             Stupid question - (CRConrad) - (2)
                 Money - (pwhysall) - (1)
                     Yeah, that's what I thought too; the question was almost rhetorical. Sad state of the world. :-( -NT - (CRConrad)

You're typing on a device that stores trillions of pieces of data and makes billions of computations per second with the ability to grab data on almost anything from around the world in milliseconds, using electricity transmitted from hundreds of kilometers through wires on towers dozens of meters tall connected to megastructures that do things like burn coal as fast as entire trains can pull into the yard, or spin in the wind with blades the size of jumbo jets, or the like, which were delivered to their location by vehicles with computer-timed engines burning a fuel that was pumped up halfway around the world from up to half a dozen kilometers underground and locked into complex strata (through wells drilled by diamond-lined bores that can be remote-control steered as they go), shipped around the world in tankers with volumes the size of large city blocks and the height of apartment complexes, run through complex chemical processes in unimaginable quantities, distributed nationwide and sold to you at a corner store for $1.80 a gallon, which you then pay for with a little piece of microchipped plastic, if not a smartphone, which does all of the aforementioned computer stuff but in a box the size of your hand that tolerates getting beaten up in your pocket all day.

But technology never seems to advance...

130 ms