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New A 3-hour cruise
The weather started getting rough...

So every time I think about the astronauts that were supposed to go up for a couple of days and seem to be stuck indefinitely, that song goes through my brain.

"creates complications for the Starliner crew, who are now more than two months into what was scheduled to be an eight-day mission."

New NASA, today.

They'll come home next year on a Dragon. The Starliner will come back empty in early September.

NASA and Boeing identified helium leaks and experienced issues with the spacecraft reaction control thrusters on June 6 as Starliner approached the space station. Since then, engineering teams have completed a significant amount of work, including reviewing a collection of data, conducting flight and ground testing, hosting independent reviews with agency propulsion experts, and developing various return contingency plans. The uncertainty and lack of expert concurrence does not meet the agency’s safety and performance requirements for human spaceflight, thus prompting NASA leadership to move the astronauts to the Crew-9 mission.

“Decisions like this are never easy, but I want to commend our NASA and Boeing teams for their thorough analysis, transparent discussions, and focus on safety during the Crew Flight Test,” said Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate. “We’ve learned a lot about the spacecraft during its journey to the station and its docked operations. We also will continue to gather more data about Starliner during the uncrewed return and improve the system for future flights to the space station.”

Boeing needs to get its act together...

New The Boeing management is junk.
All their products, airplanes included, can't be trusted to be safe.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-- Isaac Asimov
New It will never happen
Because Boeing management isn't Boeing management. McDonald Douglas management is Boeing's management. There was a reverse takeover. Boeing bought McDonald Douglas but McDonald Douglas's executives ended up in charge.

So it went from serious engineers to serious bean counters. The failing company's lead management became in charge of the productive companies engineers.

No matter how much musical chairs they play in the executive suite or which new idiot they bring in to run, no matter how much is done, you can't unfuck this company.

The only thing you can do now is short their stock.

As a Washington native, this makes me sad. As a US citizen, this makes me sad. As someone who has watched the destruction of this company for years, this simply makes me think it's about time. So something else can rise from the ashes. But they've been losing competition to Airbus for too long. I don't see what's going to happen in the US to make them better. Maybe they get bought by Airbus and we all sing kumbaya.
     A 3-hour cruise - (crazy) - (3)
         NASA, today. - (Another Scott) - (2)
             The Boeing management is junk. - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                 It will never happen - (crazy)

Cococabanana Blaps - It's not just for breakfast anymore!
34 ms