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New Foreign politics, influencing conflicts
Is Xi gone?


Looks that way.


How? Did he simply stroke out and they got him propped up? Or did the generals actually get scared enough to turn on him since he has been putting them in jail as and taking away their family's fortunes and now he's a figurehead.

Invading Taiwan is his thing. Not the generals. They want to stay home and make money. This is good if this is true.
New Only watched the first video yet, but:
1) Rumours. Just rumours.

2) As one (high-voted) comment suggests[1], if it's not just rumours, it could be just a marketing gambit, ordered by Xi himself or undertaken by media officials engaging in Sontaku[2]: Things are going a bit shit at the moment,so let's tone down the Xi branding for a while so The Leader won't get too associated with things going a bit shit.


[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAJ5enTb0vo&lc=Ugxi0Li8eaSvCvRiRDN4AaABAg

[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sontaku

   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking Everything

Mail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at iki.fi
New And that's why I waited to post until I saw the second video
Several days later. As well as a bit of reading. Not that it's anything conclusive. More rumors but also more information. The key issue is it's an open issue until Xi stands up on a stage and speaks coherently. And in such a way that he's not being a puppet. That hasn't happened for a couple of weeks. Simultaneously the top tier party officials/ generals have been in hiding.

Then add in the fact that they've locked down Beijing and the army showed up in large numbers. This is far beyond previous lockdowns. Nah, nothing to see here, go look somewhere else.

Yes, it's propaganda. I've been watching an assortment of it for years and and I am perfectly aware. But that propaganda is often right in the cornerstone facts which it then attempts to spin for a revolution. Especially when it's propaganda against a secretive authoritarian regime.

I think this particular propaganda is based out of the Epoch Times. Them's some crazy fuckers. But they have deep ties to connections inside China and they get a constant stream of supposedly hidden stuff that turns out to be true a while later.

So I think this one is fun to watch if you have the time. That's all. And I have time.
New I've been waiting for this meeting

So will any of this conversation be public? They usually have the front and back halves of these things. Either way, I'm looking for his performance.
New So the meeting did happen

He's walking and talking unless they have a hell of a double. I typically believe in Putin's double since I've seen so much analysis of those, but I've never seen a Xi double.

One interesting thing that I saw a few days ago was the announcement of a bunch of reversal of his policies. Starting with the tutoring ban. I always thought that was a critical part of making sure the next generation is brainwashed and you can't have unauthorized teachers in that environment.

And street food. Street food was illegal in the major cities. They are bringing back street food.

But I can't find it in typical Google searching and I don't read Chinese so it's not like I can actually look at their articles on it.
New Not seeing anything about it SCMP or KoreaTimes


Relations between South Korea and China appear to be warming as the two Asian neighbors commemorate the 32nd anniversary of their diplomatic relations on Saturday. Diplomatic observers said, Friday, that a series of recent bilateral exchanges signal Beijing's willingness to mend fences.

The relationship between the two nations have deteriorated under President Yoon Suk Yeol who took office in May 2022. His administration's foreign policy, which emphasizes ties with like-minded nations such as the United States and Japan to counter North Korean threats, has been perceived by Beijing as South Korea aligning with U.S.-led efforts to encircle China.

However, recent weeks have seen notable exchanges in trade, people-to-people interactions, and military sectors between Seoul and Beijing.

"We are witnessing a markedly different atmosphere compared to last year when China showed virtually no willingness to improve relations," said Lee Sang-man, head of the China Research Center at Kyungnam University.

Earlier this week, South Korea's Trade Minister Jeong In-kyo traveled to Jinan, China, for the seventh South Korea-Shandong Economic and Trade Cooperation Exchange Meeting. This was the first in-person meeting in five years. Shandong Province is a key hub for the supply chain cooperation between the two nations, especially in the automotive sector.


Nothing seems unusual.

Xi has a pretty firm grip on everything and no obvious powerful opposition, AFAICS.

It looks like fishing for YouTube clicks in those 2 videos to me.


     Foreign politics, influencing conflicts - (crazy) - (5)
         Only watched the first video yet, but: - (CRConrad) - (3)
             And that's why I waited to post until I saw the second video - (crazy) - (2)
                 I've been waiting for this meeting - (crazy) - (1)
                     So the meeting did happen - (crazy)
         Not seeing anything about it SCMP or KoreaTimes - (Another Scott)

She says, "Hey, I really got to leave!" Dang!
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