I'm on the tail end of the boomers. I'm 1963. And I accept that I have nothing in common with the front end of the boomers.
I email back and forth with my front end Boomer old boss. Sometimes half a dozen times a day. Sometimes three times a month. He doesn't remember much of what I do. But it's a perspective thing. He was living his life on one side of the relationship equation while I was living my side on the other. So we remember totally different things.
I get him to occasionally tell a story. That's always a win.
He reminds me of Rand somewhat. Hey Rand, want his email for a connection? You will never see him, he's East Coast.
He was one of the initial startup owners of the village voice. He was an early day long hair hippie freak. He had this amazing jewfro.
I only saw a picture. Once. He disavowed those days. Sold out at the Village Voice and took his accounting degree and went on to do great things in the publishing industry and spent quite a while at Ziff Davis doing both Hands-On and executive things. That was pre dot.com run up.
So he's a real baby boomer. His parents came back from the war and got busy.
My generic rationalization of baby boomers? Those of us that can remember the moon landing and saw it in real time.
I email back and forth with my front end Boomer old boss. Sometimes half a dozen times a day. Sometimes three times a month. He doesn't remember much of what I do. But it's a perspective thing. He was living his life on one side of the relationship equation while I was living my side on the other. So we remember totally different things.
I get him to occasionally tell a story. That's always a win.
He reminds me of Rand somewhat. Hey Rand, want his email for a connection? You will never see him, he's East Coast.
He was one of the initial startup owners of the village voice. He was an early day long hair hippie freak. He had this amazing jewfro.
I only saw a picture. Once. He disavowed those days. Sold out at the Village Voice and took his accounting degree and went on to do great things in the publishing industry and spent quite a while at Ziff Davis doing both Hands-On and executive things. That was pre dot.com run up.
So he's a real baby boomer. His parents came back from the war and got busy.
My generic rationalization of baby boomers? Those of us that can remember the moon landing and saw it in real time.