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New Makes partial sense
Just making stuff up based on a bit of knowledge and assumptions.

Amp pages get fed to news aggregators. That's the lightweight version. Direct access heavyweight pages don't.

Amped pages count as advertising? Regular ones are access costs plus whatever they managed to sell on them? So regular pages cost them more to distribute.

You probably have read far more Rolling Stone articles than I have which in turn has triggered them to block you. But not on the amp pages because that particular feed either doesn't care how much it costs or there's a lower restrictive weight value assigned to them when it is looked up and therefore they let you get the amp but not the regular.
New AMP = Accellerated Mobile Pages
Google scrapes the simplified versions, and when you click the link you're getting it served from Google's servers. Yes, this means decreased distribution costs for the source, theoretically faster load time for the user, but ads - less or more than the original - are 100% in Google's control.

I haven't seen anyone do a side-by-side comparison of a large corpus in a while, but the short version is that you're giving up as much control to Google using AMP as you give up to Facebook publishing on their platform.

     A peek into the Musk mind - (crazy) - (13)
         Eh, what? Not getting it. Aha, OK, after actually reading the article I do. But still... - (CRConrad) - (2)
             #1: because he's insane - (crazy) - (1)
                 And charismatic. - (static)
         And her response - (crazy) - (6)
             De-AMPed... - (CRConrad) - (4)
                 What's the difference? - (crazy)
                 Interesting, the non-AMP link is paywalled for me. -NT - (malraux) - (2)
                     Makes partial sense - (crazy) - (1)
                         AMP = Accellerated Mobile Pages - (drook)
             And it goes on - (crazy)
         Oops. Now Grimes is getting into the action - (crazy) - (2)
             Naming names - (rcareaga) - (1)
                 Being willing to inflict that on innocent bairns just shows what an utter nutjob he is. -NT - (CRConrad)

It looks like someone transcribed a naval weather forecast while woodpeckers hammered their shift keys, then randomly indented it.
106 ms