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New #1: because he's insane
That's the starting point. Anytime there's ever a Musk question. The next question is will this be to the benefit or detriment of humanity based on how much money and power he has.

He thinks he is one of the smartest people in the world. He thinks he chooses to associate with other smart people. He thinks the combination of his genes with whoever he's chosen to procreate with is part of the next generation that will save humanity because they're the smartest idiots around.

Just my observation based on his actions and interviews over the years.

Every single one of his sperm/egg combination is sacred. Each one of them represents infinite generations of overlords as far as he is concerned.

So he got really angry when he thought they tricked him. Did you review that tricked him language? He gave all kinds of excuses. I knew exactly what was being presented to him the moment he talked about it. But he didn't. He can never accept that he simply made a bad decision for who he is. He wasn't smart enough to Google the situation. So he has to say he was tricked.

Add in the homophobia. Add in the threat that the kid was going to kill themselves if they weren't given what they wanted. He was tricked and manipulated by those bastards.

And the cornerstone is that the spawn of his will no longer speak to him. She has announced to the world that she changed her name and does not want to be associated with him. That type of stuff is based on a lifetime of abuse

And he just cut Trump loose. No more $45 million a month. It never existed in the first place. Trump's flipping out. So anyway everything he says and does can cause swings in what's happening in the public sphere. He has that kind of influence. So we have to pay attention to him so we know when we have to pull out the tar/feathers/pitchforks.
Collapse Edited by crazy July 24, 2024, 02:46:17 PM EDT
#1: because he's insane
That's the starting point. Anytime there's ever a Musk question. The next question is will this be to the benefit or detriment of humanity based on how much money and power he has.

He thinks he is one of the smartest people in the world. He thinks he chooses to associate with other smart people. He thinks the combination of his genes with whoever he's chosen to procreate with is part of the next generation that will save humanity because they're the smartest idiots around.

Just my observation based on his actions and interviews over the years.

Every single one of his sperm/egg combination is sacred. Each one of them represents infinite generations of overlords as far as he is concerned.

So he got really angry when he thought they tricked him. Did you review that tricked him language? He gave all kinds of excuses. I knew exactly what was being presented to him the moment he talked about it. But he didn't. He can never accept that he simply made a bad decision for who he is. He wasn't smart enough to Google the situation. So he has to say he was tricked.

Add in the homophobia. Add in the threat that the kid was going to kill themselves if they weren't given what they wanted. He was tricked and manipulated by those bastards.

And the cornerstone is that the spawn of his will no longer speak to him. She has announced to the world that she changed her name and does not want to be associated with him. That type of stuff is based on a lifetime of abuse.
New And charismatic.
He has skills to find and encourage actually technically smart people. He has some business acumen. But above all, he has charisma.

The Paypal people engineered a board meeting to kick him out when Musk had to dial-in from an airplane. They did this to curb his personal presence, and said as much. And he knew it. I daresay he has not forgotten this.
     A peek into the Musk mind - (crazy) - (13)
         Eh, what? Not getting it. Aha, OK, after actually reading the article I do. But still... - (CRConrad) - (2)
             #1: because he's insane - (crazy) - (1)
                 And charismatic. - (static)
         And her response - (crazy) - (6)
             De-AMPed... - (CRConrad) - (4)
                 What's the difference? - (crazy)
                 Interesting, the non-AMP link is paywalled for me. -NT - (malraux) - (2)
                     Makes partial sense - (crazy) - (1)
                         AMP = Accellerated Mobile Pages - (drook)
             And it goes on - (crazy)
         Oops. Now Grimes is getting into the action - (crazy) - (2)
             Naming names - (rcareaga) - (1)
                 Being willing to inflict that on innocent bairns just shows what an utter nutjob he is. -NT - (CRConrad)

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