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New And then another one
People are fucking morons. People are my guests. My guests are fucking morons.

We are listed as smoking friendly. We are listed as 420 friendly. That means you can smoke pot here. This is part of Airbnb. We make it quite obvious.


Hello Margaret, l just wanted to make sure our place will be smoke free. I am terribly allergic to cigarette smoke and will have to cancel if we will be exposed.

This place is not smoke free. When guests smoke, I offer them the outside area that is protected, but if they choose to smoke inside I ask them to use the HEPA filters and keep the window fans running. It is cleaned with a large amount of ozone at sterilization levels, but there is no ability to guarantee that a highly sensitive person will not notice it. We ask every guest on the way in if they can smell it, especially the non-smokers. One person gave a bad review concerning the smell. The rest of them cannot smell it. So it is up to you if you wish to cancel.

Also, there is 100% separation of upstairs and downstairs. There are no air vents between. There is a security door that is taped thoroughly to make sure that the ozone does not cross over to my area and that my smoke, I am a smoker, does not cross into yours. That being said, someone claimed to be able to smell it. That same person left an incredibly bad review for a variety of reasons such as claiming there was no barbecue or fire pit, which there is, and they also complained about stubbing their toe after removing the shower mat.

So that being said, that person had certain issues far beyond what they claimed to be able to smell. They did see cigarette butts on the ground on the way in which they did not like and that seemed to trigger a cascade of nonsensical complaints in combination with a couple of good points.

If you are aware of the usage of ozone concerning smoke cleansing then you are also aware it's a matter of how long and how much you can throw at the problem. If you want to keep your reservation and want to try I will block out the day (at my cost , no charge to you) before you show up and I will do full continuous ozone concentration for at least 24 hours.

Please let me know.


Basically if you were showing up and you don't like it here go fuck yourself. You're lucky to end up here. You are a piece of shit that can't afford to live here. You're lucky you get to rent my place.

This is some serious shit. These piss poor idiots get to spend a few days where they get to enjoy themselves. I pity them.

This person who claimed to be highly sensitive decided they'd be happy here. Fuck you and you sensitive people. Maybe not fuck you but you get my point.

I was a sensitive person at a certain point in my life. For about 30 years. These assholes bitch for nothing.

The previous people may have smoked inside this place. There are burn marks on the couches and on the blanket. I am perfectly aware every time I flip it out the blankets. Don't bother complaining about it. Fuck you.

I ozone to the point you can't possibly smell it. There is nothing left behind. I don't think these people have any clue of what ozone does and it's not not my job to educate them. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.

On further review: the person decided they'd be happy to be here. We called them and they said they'd like to be here. We tried to get them to cancel. But they wanted it to be here
as compared to anywhere else. Hey, Admin, there is a business need showing up here.
Expand Edited by crazy July 21, 2024, 11:57:50 PM EDT
New I just realized there are five plus million Airbnb hosts
Hey admin, you want a business opportunity?

Create a website the Airbnb hosts can congregate. There's 5 million of them!

Your ad revenue will be mind-boggling if you could get them to congregate.

Give a place for us to bitch, you will make millions!

I expect a small chunk of it when you do it. This is my idea.
New Vacation rentals are a big business.
I got to watch the industry mature. It was more than a bit wild 15 years ago, but the big players and the regulatory systems have caught up now.

New You're in a more civilized place
It is still the wild west out here.

And it will probably be that way for quite a while. Patch work laws regulating it occasionally at the township or county level.

But we are in the serious sticks and we get pissed when anyone tells us what we can do with our land and that especially means whether or not we can rent out a chunk of a house.

So you will get occasional cities that regulate it because they found it a problem.
New 15 years ago, most listings on Stayz were country locations.
This is entirely in Australia, mind. I don't know if that's still the case.

We've had holiday rentals for a long time, but local real estate agents looked after that directly. City ones didn't do it probably because people would look for a location first, then find the local agents. I've done it.

Stayz had first mover advantage in Au and essentially centralised it. We gradually became visible to local councils and there have been a number who tried to setup limits on things. Amongst other things, this drove us to upgrade terms and conditions and hold owners and renters to account. We also upgraded our legal counsel a few times as some jurisdictions decided to go down that path.

Over the years, state governments became interested but, yah, the laws that affect it are still usually at the council level.

Stayz is part of Expedia now and doesn't have its own technology platform anymore, so I've been on something quite different for years.

New I'm not really sure what local council means to you
When I hear that term, it's often in related to Great Britain busy bodies. Local council tells you you can't do something, news at 11:00.

I suspect you have a baseline of rules that you try to apply. But your actual core of what you think you should be able to get away with doesn't scratch the surface of the American attitude.

So out here it is really specific to a 50 square mile area. Maybe it's a major city. Maybe it's a strip of Beach countryside that goes for 20 mi and is only 2 mi wide. It could be millions of residents or it could be a few thousand.

In each case it is local residents who get together and vote. Sometimes we are a bunch of people in the sticks like me here who have one-on-one relationships with the people actually on the city council doing the voting. And sometimes it's 50,000 to one. And in the one-to-one situations like around here there ain't nobody coming in to tell you what to do.

But then in a tiny little resort town 20 mi from me they simply limit a single household to a single rental unit ownership. You can't get more than a single license to rent a room if you have more than one property or more than one living space in your house so you can split it up a bit and share it.

This was claimed to be because they didn't like the fact that there are homeless people on the streets, that there are people renting their places and not working with the government to accept some type of subsidized housing voucher for these people.

I am talking a tiny resort town. That is dead half the year. I am talking maybe 3 mi long and 1 mi wide at the widest. And also keep in mind we are not in the sunny South. We are Northern latitudes and the winter can be a bit harsh. We're not a place where people can just be hanging out outside all year round and thinking they will just survive.

For 3 months (the tourist season) someone can rent out a room that allows them to live in their house the entire year. Because we can overcharge the tourists. That also means we can have 9 months of quiet in our house without dealing with being a landlord to a crappy tenant. And if you don't think government subsidized tenants aren't high probability crappy tenants, then I just have nothing to say to you. These people need live in social workers, not landlords. It only takes one crappy tenant in the same house you are living to destroy your life. No one does that if they don't have to.

It can take years of trying to kick someone out if they know how to juggle the legal system. Years and hundreds of thousands of dollars. I will never rent to a real tenant. If they can get their mail here then they can't live here.

According to this license setup, a person with a large house cannot rent out to rooms to two roommates. That would be illegal according to this type of licensing scheme.

And I'm pretty sure the local motel owners are pushing that type of legislation because they don't want the competition.

Before that bit of legislation showed up they attempted to just turn off all personal rentals until they "studied" the problem out. Which would screw everybody who depended on that bit of income. So then they made it the one-to-one correspondence of single rental per owner license.

You can be sure that license doesn't carry the same burden as a real hotel or motel.

If that limitation ever spreads to me, I won't care. I only have the bottom half of my house.
New And this just showed up in my feed
Talking about my state. We are one of 50. So try to imagine the patchwork of rules when they do try to handle this situation.


That's me at 3:04.

If you actually watch it, you need to keep in mind that everything they're talking about has almost nothing to do with me. I am 2 hours away from Seattle and this video is Seattle centric. I am towards the West but I am not all the way to the Pacific, The straits of San Juan are what I face.

I got a tiny mountain range right behind me that funnels the winds coming from the Pacific and split them out. It sends the clouds away. It's almost always sunny. It rarely rains for more than a few minutes at a time. We are classified as a desert even though we have perfect breathable moisture and just enough water to keep our plants looking good. The definition of desert is just based on the difference in your moisture level as compared to the surrounding area.
     This is the rant of the moment - (crazy) - (7)
         And then another one - (crazy) - (6)
             I just realized there are five plus million Airbnb hosts - (crazy) - (5)
                 Vacation rentals are a big business. - (static) - (4)
                     You're in a more civilized place - (crazy) - (3)
                         15 years ago, most listings on Stayz were country locations. - (static) - (2)
                             I'm not really sure what local council means to you - (crazy) - (1)
                                 And this just showed up in my feed - (crazy)

We are gonna party all... night... LONG!
69 ms