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New So right yet so wrong and so many more unanswered questions
Good article. New York times

New At this point, I know enough that his motivations are the least important part of event

New Yeah, you're right
Morons don't have motivations. They have reactions.

I loved how the article said he came from a mixed political family. His mother was a Democrat and his father was a libertarian. Which is essentially a Trumper in sheep's clothing. Libertarians want all for themselves and nothing for society and they believe that nothing in society provided anything for them to get where they are and therefore they owe nothing.

When I was working libertarians were the worst personality types to work with. They were pricks. They had no end goal for society and therefore they had no desire to be part of it. But they sure love driving on those roads they didn't want to pay for.
New And I just realized this is the cornerstone of the societal change we are going through right now
In the old days left wing women put up with right-wing men. All those relationships sucked. Either the woman shut up and was meek and just did what she was told or she argued and the house was always a screaming disaster.

Also, women are expected to "gentle men". Yes, those were two words on purpose. It's a mixture of true chemical biological reaction between us and a combination of society's pressure.

A guy alone is expected to be a bit wild. A guy with a woman is expected to settle down. Settle down means more than settle down and have kids. It means to stop being such a stupid f***. That was also because our brains don't mature until 25 and you can see stupid brains in men more than you can see it in women. That testosterone makes us do stupid stupid s***.

Women got married far younger than men. So the guy was already old and settled down as far as society was concerned. They rarely got married under 25 because they were expected to go out and achieve something and be worthy of marriage. And be able to support a woman and the expected future children.

This is also why single political men are trusted less than married ones. If you can't figure out your own life, which includes finding at least one woman that can deal with you and having children,, how can you be expected to be in charge politically.

This is why the political right really hate gay couples. They got married because they wanted to, because they enjoy it, because it's fun. Children are a choice to. You have to spend a lot of money on them just to have them and you really want them. This does not match their lives. Oops, got another kid, this must be God's intention!

Okay, now move on to the biological portion. Men having constant sex release estriol which converts us to be a bit more feminine. It's simply a biological process. Orgasm more equals more estriol equals more femininity.

Those a****** anti-masturbators macho idiots actually had that little bit right but they didn't know why.

Back to mixed political households, I was raised in a minor one. My mom was left and my dad was right. Not too far in either direction though. Just enough to be accepted by society in the 1950s.

Were any of you raised in that type of household?

There are far more left-wing women than right-wing men, but society pressured them into this situation.

No longer.

I absolutely would not exist today if my parents had met via one of the sex match programs. My mom was a 10. She was a short little beauty queen. My dad would be lucky to cross an attractiveness rating of 4. They were a matched couple by the rabbi and their parents. My dad bought my mom. They would never have matched nowadays.

And this was the reform version of the religion. This does not exist for the vast majority of the people the way it used to.

Between my mom's looks and my dad's looks, I'm a straight physical 4. My height at 5'7 is a 3 and my wavy hair is a 7 and I got a bit of cute factor going and on straight appearance I get a 4. My brains and personality ratchet up to an 8 but I would need some talking time to get there.

My kids wouldn't exist today for the same reason.

Today it is about actually enjoying being with the person you're with. Political alignment is the starting point of that. I support that. People should be happy to start off with, let the kids be secondary, yes, I know it's pretty much the end of civilization. Let's enjoy ourselves on the way out.

Left-Wing women tell right-wing men to go f*** themselves. Right-wing men can't get laid and become incels. Not all of them, but a significant enough portion.

Or they get laid occasionally and are part of the men going their own way movement. They are not all incels but they have a significant right-wing mentality and they are pissed off that women aren't who they used to be.

So this kid, looking the way he did, with the incredibly poor social skills that he did, living in a "mixed" political household where he wants to satisfy both Mommy and Daddy, was an explosion waiting to happen.

How many more of these households are waiting to explode?
Expand Edited by crazy July 21, 2024, 03:44:31 PM EDT
     Was the assassination attempt real? - (crazy) - (37)
         Well, looks like the secret service was in on it - (crazy)
         nym checks out - (rcareaga) - (4)
             Like I said, let's start some rumors! - (crazy) - (3)
                 Hadn't thought about the Fetterman/gun rights connection, but that tracks -NT - (drook)
                 The ActBlue donation was an old guy with the same first and last name. [edit] Or, maybe not. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                     This is my shocked face. :| Want to see it again? -NT - (drook)
         Headline: “FBI Seeks Motive” - (rcareaga) - (21)
             dunno, if I was kicked off the school rifle team for being a bad shot - (boxley) - (20)
                 He must have put in some serious practice after - (crazy) - (19)
                     "And he managed to take a piece of Trump's ear." - (CRConrad) - (16)
                         Are you kidding? - (crazy) - (15)
                             No, I'm not kidding, and no, it wasn't a particularly "incredible" shot AFAICS. - (CRConrad) - (14)
                                 Fine, I bow to the greater gun experience I am sure - (crazy) - (13)
                                     Adrenaline and nerves, 100% agree - (drook)
                                     I've shot assault rifles. Not super-much, and not all that recently, but... - (CRConrad) - (11)
                                         This is a case where both sides have a point - (drook) - (9)
                                             Perfectly reasonable - (crazy) - (8)
                                                 +1 for the managerial theft. -NT - (CRConrad) - (7)
                                                     Thanks! - (crazy) - (6)
                                                         Seriously. Smoothies. - (malraux) - (5)
                                                             Makes me want to throw up just looking at your post. - (crazy) - (1)
                                                                 Glad it's feeling better. -NT - (malraux)
                                                             "Everything the body needs"??? - (CRConrad) - (2)
                                                                 Re: "Everything the body needs"??? - (malraux)
                                                                 yup :-) -NT - (boxley)
                                         agreed -NT - (boxley)
                     It was a scoped 125m shot - (pwhysall) - (1)
                         That's the wonderful thing about the U.S. - (drook)
         Just another bullied kid - (crazy) - (6)
             Seen elsewhere: - (rcareaga) - (1)
                 Very well said -NT - (crazy)
             So right yet so wrong and so many more unanswered questions - (crazy) - (3)
                 At this point, I know enough that his motivations are the least important part of event -NT - (drook) - (2)
                     Yeah, you're right - (crazy) - (1)
                         And I just realized this is the cornerstone of the societal change we are going through right now - (crazy)
         And M's take on it is....... - (crazy) - (1)
             "Wild ride" - But we've heard of wilder things that actually happened, haven't we? Not ruling it out -NT - (CRConrad)

Looks like a helluva party to me! Begone evil spirits!!
109 ms