IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New eff why aye
A good rule of thumb on Linux is to never manually upgrade your kernel unless you have a specific problem that you know is fixed by the kernel you're installing, and there is no prospect of that fix arriving in your distro's standard kernel packages on a timeframe that suits you.

One key reason for this is that if you run Distro X, and you install generic kernel packages, and it all goes to ratshit, Distro X's support resources will almost certainly tell you (correctly) that you should have installed the kernel packaged specifically for and by Distro X, and you're on your own, and have a nice day.

Not a problem for generic consumption devices of course, because you just nuke and pave those, but highly undesirable for anything where you care about it working and a reinstall is problematic.
New Yup. Thanks.
     Did my first kernel upgrade on Ubuntu. - (Another Scott) - (2)
         eff why aye - (pwhysall) - (1)
             Yup. Thanks. -NT - (Another Scott)

Plan B, we'll retreat to the rave-cave and hope our tribal beats and epiliptic movements will cause the machines to commit suicide due to sheer irritation.
33 ms