IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New I broke I we they
Via the Chromecast. I simply used an Android browser, not Chrome, and after I logged in and told it to just show currently unseen messages it crashed with a server error 500.

Sorry about that.

It only broke for that session, a session from my phone works fine as you can see by this posting.

Further web surfing on random browser seems fine on the TV. For the most part. I'm going to see if I can find a USB to trackball converter to then be able to use my current Kensington expert mouse on the system. That'll also be useful for future systems.
Expand Edited by crazy July 13, 2024, 03:29:47 PM EDT
New phone trackpad/keyboard app works well
I can dictate into both the remote control on the Chromecast which this sentence was done with. I can also use the dictation on my phone which does a better job and goes back and fixes things when it realizes it was wrong. The key issue is mistakes happen and mistakes get fixed without you even knowing about it. most typical is extra commas for when I pause for thought. My phone knows to go back and get rid of them when the sentence is complete, the Chromecast voice pickup is happy to put down whatever crap I say without thought.

Mouse pointer remote control is brutal using a regular TV remote. That's just silly.
But it works very well with the phone as a Bluetooth track pad.
     Latest Chromecast - (crazy) - (3)
         I broke I we they - (crazy) - (1)
             phone trackpad/keyboard app works well - (crazy)
         Now thinking like a network administrator - (crazy)

Please engage brain before pressing keys and clicking mouse.
37 ms