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New And I just realized
I landed perfectly. I'm telling you the cool breeze from the bathroom window says this is a good place. I'm 60 ft above these ocean but I get sea breezes. I have landed perfectly.

So I'm telling the rest of you poor bastards. Go seek a place you will last the next 60 years or so. Because the rest of the world is going for s*** and you need to find a place where you got a cool breeze.
New No need. Well, not that much of it.
Go seek a place you will last the next 60 years or so.

Most of us aren't going to last the next 60 years, period.

   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking Everything

Mail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at iki.fi
     And I just realized - (crazy) - (1)
         No need. Well, not that much of it. - (CRConrad)

Hm. It all seems to cancel out. I’m back to not caring.
43 ms