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New I am so hungry
Bottom back molar has pressure and temperature pain. It's covered with a gold cap. X-Rays show nothing. Very smart, trustworthy, better than dentist that I've been going to for years said nothing show up. There is no infection. There is nothing inflamed. Sorry can't help you unless we want to remove a cap and start exploring and that's $2,100.

Only alternative is to refer me to whatever the next level of dentist. So of course I got the quickest appointment which is 2 weeks and put myself on the call list.

So at this point I have to figure out how to eat. I just ordered two cans of muscle milk, vanilla and strawberries and cream, and hopefully that should keep me from dying. Other than that it will be tequila. I'll probably lose a few pounds in the process.
New Smoothies.
Greek yogurt, milk, walnuts, fruit, carrots, kale: it's got you covered for nutrition.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Huel
Tastes OK, and the virulent noxious farts reduce your appetite vastly anyway.
New Soylent Green
Not the new Soylent, the original Green. Accept no substitutes.

New time to have it yanked
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New They will be able to regrow them soon enough.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Not in my lifetime at my income level
Right rear gold cap molar. Already replaced that crown once after it fell off and could not be put back on. So I think I got around 600 bucks of gold to sell at the end of this process.

Main dentist who is much better than a dentist who I've crowed about in the past misdiagnosed. He just lost my trust. That's okay. He sent me to this wonderful endodontist who has the most incredible CAT scan bitewing x-ray equipment in the world. It's amazing how much seeing your own tooth decay is a pleasurable experience when you're a geek.

Of course the endodontist is young and cute and brilliant and hot and bats her eyes at me when she says to call her by her first name. Lordy lordy, I am so old and skeevy.

She's a lot cheaper than my dentist for root canals as well, but this will not be a root canal, this will be a yank. She does not yank teeth, she does root canals. So back to my regular dentist or someone else to figure out the final moments for this tooth.

The pain has peaked and receded, which according to the endodontist might signify root death which means get it yanked soon before it gets infected and kills me via a heart infection.

I did a flyby of my regular doctor and picked up a bunch of Percocet but have only eaten a couple so far. I know to be careful.

I have a couple of big cans of muscle milk now. Vanilla and strawberry. I couldn't find the one I really liked but that's okay. I lost 10 lb so far and can afford to lose another 15 so let's see how long I can last without eating.
New I thought so but not yet
I text my dentist and say the endodontist says root canal or yank it and I'm not willing to root canal based on my age/cost justification.

It seems every time I spend a few thousand dollars on a tooth it just crumbles afterwards anyway. The last time I went through this process it was upper left a tooth before the molar. I was avoiding yank/bridge for a year of painful work and failed recovery and it was definitely not worth it. The post did not stay in the bone. The tooth did not stay. The jaw crumbled. I ended up with the bridge anyway.

I'm going down the path of acceptance here, dentures eventually.

He responds with how important that tooth is and that the endodontist can root canal via drilling through the gold cap, not yanking and going through the total reconstruction, so I really should let her do it.

And it can't be replaced with a bridge because it's a back molar and you need two teeth for a bridge.

Key issue on taking advice is follow the money. Not always, but especially in the case of someone who has just misdiagnosed me. Look for profit motive. What's in it for them? And in this recommendation there is nothing in it for him. He wants to save my tooth and he's perfectly happy to let someone else do it, and if they do it, it's cheaper than him.

Discuss it with M and decide to go forward and give the root canal a shot. Damn it. Here we go again.

Endodontist office closed until tomorrow and then I will pursue that.

It's a positive/negative that I got lots of drugs right now. I never use enough to actually remove the pain and allow myself to eat but certainly enough to allow me to sit here on the edge of drivability.

I say the edge of drivability because the endodontist is 30 minutes away and I've got to be drivable during business hours. M works nights and sleeps during the day and maintains that schedule during days off. I have to be the one to drive myself.

I told them to call me at any moment and I will be there so I should get the next cancellation. Actually not today because they are closed but I prefer to maintain this level of control.

Another aspect of it is I absolutely could pick up a dependency and therefore I stretch out and skip doses. I have a doctor appointment in a month and I want to be able to bring in the bottle of Percocet the doctor prescribed for the tooth and be able to show her there's still half of them left. Assuming I get an appointment with the endodontist in the next couple of days.

My brother Robbie spent 3 years hooked on high dose oxycontin and Percocets. Same drug, different release schedule. The oxycontin was in the morning and then he got to pop Percocets at will in the evening.

His disease had continuing long-term progression, he was not expected to be healed from an injury. So this was expected to go on forever.

He had an immense daily dose due to his tolerance and you could never be sure if his pain levels were based on the actual initial pain that the medications were prescribed for or the withdrawal he was going through almost all the time.

He kicked it cold turkey after 3 years. Rehab? NA? Are you insane? Rob? Programs are for pussies. Oh I miss Rob.

I'd prefer not to end up like that, so I always have to monitor. The best example is a bad example. I was the best example for many for most of my life.

Okay, after all that babbling back to the original point of the thread. I'm not really that hungry anymore because I have a couple of cans of muscle milk. Vanilla, strawberry, and mix them together for vanilla strawberry. Not that bad.

I have lost 10 lb. I have another 15 to go if I can manage it. Always look on the bright side of life. Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo.

     I am so hungry - (crazy) - (7)
         Smoothies. - (malraux)
         Huel - (pwhysall)
         Soylent Green - (drook)
         time to have it yanked -NT - (boxley) - (3)
             They will be able to regrow them soon enough. - (malraux) - (1)
                 Not in my lifetime at my income level - (crazy)
             I thought so but not yet - (crazy)

Ahh, the good old days when I didn't know how stupid I was.
53 ms