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New That was me typing it in backwards
And maybe I'm a bit sensitive concerning old men.

I watched my father-in-law crash over the last couple of years. He went from a usually reasonable, usually vibrant old guy. And then he went f****** crazy. He's a couple years older than Biden.

For every president that actually cared about the job, the job is incredibly aging to start off with. Except for Trump, of course. Trump couldn't give a s***.

So Biden started at a serious disadvantage in remaining years, energy, and mental acuity. Don't bother saying but Trump's worse, the people who vote for Trump for the most part don't care or don't believe. And then he got crushed by the weight of the office for the last 4 years, while simultaneously aging perfectly naturally.

And all of us got our hopes on this rapidly declining old man. Our expectations are unreasonable.

I'm just going to sit here and b**** about it. I'm not going to go out and knock doors. People out here get shot that way. Of course I will vote.

Maybe I gave the slightest push to a next door neighbor. She's a very old lady who hates the goddamn left wing. Of course she voted for Trump. Twice. She plans on moving to white bread state in fly over country as soon as she can. She's been saying that for a couple of years though.

I initially thought she was a typical right-wing Fox viewer. Nope. She doesn't watch television. She doesn't listen to radio, at least not talk radio. She comes up to my chin and she is tough as nails. She does her own major yard work including chopping down trees.

She didn't have an opinion on Jan 6th because she didn't even know about it. After hearing about it, she of course discounted most of what I had to say because it was so unbelievable.

A few days back I told her I was worried about throwing my vote away because she voted and she said don't worry, she wasn't voting for Trump. He's a piece of s***.


A reason for a glimmer of hope.
New Yeah, I know, you got it right; my point was Zeihan got it wrong.
     Debate- it was bad - (crazy) - (19)
         Biden has a stutter and gets tongue-tied at times. - (Another Scott) - (9)
             I was expecting this - (crazy) - (1)
                 :-) I try to be consistent (and not in the hobgoblin sense!!) - (Another Scott)
             Zeihan's take - (crazy) - (6)
                 The candidates are Biden and Trump. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                     This -NT - (drook)
                 New 30s Biden ad. - (Another Scott)
                 PZ seems to be getting a bit deranged himself... - (CRConrad) - (2)
                     That was me typing it in backwards - (crazy) - (1)
                         Yeah, I know, you got it right; my point was Zeihan got it wrong. -NT - (CRConrad)
         What a choice - (pwhysall) - (8)
             Well, one of them is a felon a few dozen times over as well... -NT - (malraux)
             Heh. - (Another Scott) - (6)
                 Seems doubtful they will -- I gather Starmer is all for continuing "austerity". :-( -NT - (CRConrad) - (5)
                     You gather wrong - (pwhysall) - (4)
                         Yeah no, that's what I meant. AIUI, that's self-contradictory. - (CRConrad) - (3)
                             Bah, link broke - (pwhysall) - (2)
                                 Yeah, I noticed, so thanks. - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                     "I'm not raising taxes, I'm cancelling a giveaway to the rich" is a hard argument politically - (drook)

You're right, because clearly cabbage soppy wankel ebbeh gruntsponge.
107 ms