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New Biden has a stutter and gets tongue-tied at times.
He's been that way for decades. He also apparently had a head cold.

He was fine.

Compare TCFFG (the convicted felon former guy) from September 2001 (4:38) with the guy that night (and the previous 5 years). He was a monster back then (90% worried about the buildings rather than the people), but he could string a spontaneous coherent linear English sentence together. He didn't come close to doing that on Thursday.

Remember earlier first debates - Reagan was doomed in 1984; Obama was doomed in 2012.

The stock markets didn't freakout on Friday. Black and Hispanic voters didn't freakout on Friday.

Eyes on the prizes.

New I was expecting this
My original title was: hey AS, tell me something that will save this!

I know the next day he was incredible. How come he couldn't bring that logic and energy to the debate?
New :-) I try to be consistent (and not in the hobgoblin sense!!)
Even if Biden had done great - like he did at the SotU - the MSM would have found things to complain about because that's what they do to keep people "engaged".

I notice that I'm hearing lots more discussion of "Black jobs" and "everyone wanted Roe gone" and "post-birth abortion" and "I never said 'suckers and losers'" and "I never slept with a port star" and several other things. He's not gaining with the undecideds that way.

https://nitter.poast.org/eclecticbrotha is worth checking occasionally.

Eyes on the prizes.

     Debate- it was bad - (crazy) - (10)
         Biden has a stutter and gets tongue-tied at times. - (Another Scott) - (2)
             I was expecting this - (crazy) - (1)
                 :-) I try to be consistent (and not in the hobgoblin sense!!) - (Another Scott)
         What a choice - (pwhysall) - (6)
             Well, one of them is a felon a few dozen times over as well... -NT - (malraux)
             Heh. - (Another Scott) - (4)
                 Seems doubtful they will -- I gather Starmer is all for continuing "austerity". :-( -NT - (CRConrad) - (3)
                     You gather wrong - (pwhysall) - (2)
                         Yeah no, that's what I meant. AIUI, that's self-contradictory. - (CRConrad) - (1)
                             Bah, link broke - (pwhysall)

The style is new but the pay is the same.
91 ms