IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New Ask one of the LLMs to specify a configuration to run LLMs

New And have it lie to me?
It's my responsibility to determine use case and what is a reasonable response time. I would really like to see it as a coding co-pilot and see how it analyzes and offers suggestions to rewrite my code. I'm looking at a very focused use case for that. But I also wanted to do image analysis and security and light control and.... You get the point.

One of the issues is I'll probably have to end up with two separate systems. The back end AI engine and the front end desktop that's got the real video card for visual purposes. And that's got a lot of memory so we can run the programming environments which even before AI sucked down a shitload of memory.

It's up to me to determine usability. I might end up with a toy that is not useful at all. That's okay, I would just like a reasonable starting point.
New Doesn't that mean just drop the whole idea?
If you won't ask an LLM because LLMs lie, then what's the use of building a system to run LLMs in the first place?

   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking Everything

Mail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at iki.fi
     More hardware but AI - (crazy) - (13)
         www.pcpartpicker.com -NT - (pwhysall) - (9)
             Thanks but no - (crazy) - (8)
                 Eh, just drop £20/mo on a ChatGPT sub - (pwhysall) - (7)
                     +1 - (Another Scott)
                     Yep and nope - (crazy) - (5)
                         So basically you want AI to outsource... Arguing with your wife? - (CRConrad)
                         That won't be you - (drook) - (3)
                             Just to be able to say this me versus a different me sounds fun! - (crazy) - (2)
                                 Uhh ... - (drook) - (1)
                                     And I immediately said that's a fantasy -NT - (crazy)
         Ask one of the LLMs to specify a configuration to run LLMs -NT - (drook) - (2)
             And have it lie to me? - (crazy) - (1)
                 Doesn't that mean just drop the whole idea? - (CRConrad)

The concept of a power-up hadn't been invented yet.
40 ms