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New But, do they have lead free fishing sinkers?
Of course they must, these days - who could resist selling fishing sinkers for 24.5 times the cost of the lead ones? Personally, I'd go for depleted uranium.
New I killed a lot of brain cells in Middle School
This was before I started doing drugs.

In 7th grade we had metal shop.

Basically imagine any piece of cutting or bending or smoothing tool you would need in a professional metal shop and we probably had it. It was amazing. We had a wood shop too. 5 years later they closed anything that could cut a finger off and replaced it with something less physically harmful. Oh well.

Back to metal shop. One of my favorite things to do in metal shop was simply melt lead using a ladle with the blowtorch and then pour the lead into casts and let it cool and pop those fishing weights or soldier figurines out. The smell of lead metal fumes is embedded in my memory.

I wonder how many IQ points I wiped out in the process.
     Lead in dishes - (malraux) - (11)
         Now point it at spices -NT - (drook)
         There’s a decent amount of distance between “lead in item” and “lead from item can be ingested” - (pwhysall) - (3)
             She has an article that addresses this - (drook) - (2)
                 Re: "why would you choose the ones that have it?" - (CRConrad) - (1)
                     What standards there are aren't terribly useful - (drook)
         Aaaaaand there it is - (pwhysall) - (5)
             Mixed - (malraux) - (1)
                 Made me look for something I saw a while ago... - (Another Scott)
             But, do they have lead free fishing sinkers? - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                 I killed a lot of brain cells in Middle School - (crazy)
             This one doesn't strike me as a play - (drook)

Every problem that humanity has ever encountered throughout history can be traced back to Gary in accounting.
39 ms