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New The Dead Internet

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New I knew this wasn't going to be about a dead cable modem...
Midnight Wednesday our home internet went out. Provider's web page said they were doing maintenance and it would be back before 0600. I thought - that's weird. Why would they be doing maintenance at midnight??

0900 the internet was still down. Checked web page via my phone, did tests, said their system was fine and couldn't see the modem. Tried resetting it various times, no go.

Got tethering working on my phone so that I could get some critical things done. Chewed up 1.7 GB of cell data. :-/

Tech came out this AM, he said a splitter was marginal, but no difference on changing it. We tried resetting the modem again - no change in status lights (Arris S33 with only a single light.)

I, fortunately, still had our previous DOCSIS 3.0 SurfBoard modem. Plugged it in, he called the ISP office, they still had records of its MAC address, etc., provisioned it. It rebooted a few times, came up, and all is well again.

The S33 is all of 15 months old. The SurfBoard is around 10 years old. :-/ Our service is only 300/10 so the 3.0 modem is fine.

Sometimes progress isn't progress. :-/

     The Dead Internet - (pwhysall) - (1)
         I knew this wasn't going to be about a dead cable modem... - (Another Scott)

Aw, good for him.
29 ms