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New The connection to the 4077th should be worth some attention
How much could that be talked about without running afoul of a Hollywood shark?

New Re: The connection to the 4077th should be worth some attention
Well, I do discuss both screen adaptations in the introduction and epilogue/appendix, although I did not think to mention the fictional unit by name. Of course, the thinking by which “4077th” was derived from “8055th” is pretty apparent. I might have played it up more had commercial potential ever been entertained in connection with the work.

     “Dear Ones at Home” – the Korea book - (rcareaga) - (2)
         The connection to the 4077th should be worth some attention - (drook) - (1)
             Re: The connection to the 4077th should be worth some attention - (rcareaga)

You're never too old to say "horses" when you drive past some horses.
82 ms