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New Yup, kids meal was the regular size in the 50s
Mine, I got the medium combo, and the onion rings was enough for two people. But I ate them, because what am I gonna do, throw them out?

New man I cant even finish a small fries anymore
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Expand Edited by boxley June 19, 2024, 11:16:44 PM EDT
New We all got old
I used to eat competitively with b-man. We would go to an all. You can eat seafood place and we would have them bringing out the king crab legs out continuously. I can do about 19 clusters before I explode.

Speaking of the cereal portions. You know those tiny portable rectangular cereal boxes? The kind you split down the center and pour the milk into? I think that's the appropriate cereal size but when I was a kid I'd look at that thing and say God damn that's tiny.

We discovered the native American casino 10 minutes away. Not that we gamble. But when we first showed up here I popped my head in there and I thought the food was silly and overpriced. But I was looking at the silly pizza. So 2 years later I look at their daily special and I see them Wednesday. They have a 20 oz porterhouse steak with salad and starch of choice. For 30 bucks. Wow. That's two meals for me. I eat a salad and a bit of the starch and about a third of the steak and I'm full. The rest gets packed up and taken home for a great second meal.

I like being old.
New I'm eating the "right" amount these last couple weeks
I'm in Philly taking care of my mother, while my brother is rehabbing from a stroke. (And looking for long-term care for her, because I strongly suspect he's not going to be able to any more.)

In the past whenever I'd visit I'd do a small hoagie or cheesesteak most nights. Now that I'm here for weeks at a time, I've only done that a few times, and I'm splitting them with my mother. Literally half of what I used to eat for dinner, and I'm not hungry before breakfast.

New Go hang out in Jim's second floor
Get the window seat. You get an amazing view of the South Street weird people while you get to chow down on the steak sandwich.
New I'm gonna say the most Philly thing I can
Jim's is for tourists. Michael's, around the corner from me, is way better.

I explain for non-natives: The best hoagie and the best cheesesteak are always from the place around the corner where you grew up.

If I were in Cleveland and Jim's showed up, yeah, I'd sing their praises. But when I'm here, gotta be Michael's.

Wawa gets a pass. It's always acceptable if you're away from your neighborhood. They've got the pretzels, too.

New I am a tourist
And there was nothing within walking distance to me growing up.

Either I'm driving or taking the speed line and then swapping trains at 8th and market. Either way it's at least a 30 minute investment either direction.

But I was there for the party anyway. I'm hanging out for hours. Waiting for the TLA to let us in at midnight for Rocky horror.

One time the line was way too long at Jim's so I picked up a cheesesteak from the Ishkabibles window. It was great.

New They moved Rocky to a theater over on Walnut, what a disappointment

New Yep, a bummer

Assuming you mean this one.

Keeping in mind I like the theater that they moved it to. That's 1 block from my father's house on spruce Street. When he was alive. I spent a lot of time walking back and forth between that area and South Street in the other direction.

I tried to envision the party atmosphere of those 6 blocks of South Street. The TLA was right in the middle of it so there were several blocks of party in either direction while we waited 2 hours until midnight.

Those theaters are kind of in isolated environment by the hotel. There's no fun shops or areas of congregation until you move a bit closer to the river. Certainly nothing like the South Street environment filled with restaurants and bars.

Oh well.

On the other hand, I'm an old man and midnight shows are totally out of the picture for me. If I was in the area, I might consider a 10:00 show.
New I want to take the wife, but at TLA
They do go back there for special events. Guess I'll have to follow their page.

     Who decided on serving sizes? - (drook) - (17)
         Over-eating is the curse of the west - (pwhysall) - (5)
             I blame breakfast cereal. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 Water weight is a thing... - (pwhysall) - (1)
                     We get trained to ignore satiation. -NT - (static)
             Everybody's deficit looks different as well - (malraux) - (1)
                 Absolutely - (pwhysall)
         I have been eating kids meals for years, can barely finish them. Rare occation when I do fast food -NT - (boxley) - (10)
             Yup, kids meal was the regular size in the 50s - (drook) - (9)
                 man I cant even finish a small fries anymore -NT - (boxley) - (8)
                     We all got old - (crazy) - (7)
                         I'm eating the "right" amount these last couple weeks - (drook) - (6)
                             Go hang out in Jim's second floor - (crazy) - (5)
                                 I'm gonna say the most Philly thing I can - (drook) - (4)
                                     I am a tourist - (crazy) - (3)
                                         They moved Rocky to a theater over on Walnut, what a disappointment -NT - (drook) - (2)
                                             Yep, a bummer - (crazy) - (1)
                                                 I want to take the wife, but at TLA - (drook)

53 ms