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New Who decided on serving sizes?
I haven't eaten at Burger King in years. The other night I was on the road and needed something quick so I grabbed a Whopper Jr.

I didn't know which has me more pissed off: How small those things have gotten, or realizing that's actually all I need for a meal. And maybe if I didn't have it pounded into my head from the time I could talk that the Whopper was the "regular" size* maybe I never would have gotten so overweight by the time I was in my 40s.

* This is very much not just about BK. It's our whole food culture

New Over-eating is the curse of the west
I was having a conversation about it and the other party - a 40-something woman with a sedentary lifestyle, approx 160cm and overweight at 80kg - was trying to convince me that she needed 1800kcal/day to maintain.

She was gobsmacked when I told her I was at 1600kcal (182.5cm, 95kg, overweight) and that represented a modest deficit, and tried to tell me that I needed 2000 to maintain.

Everyone’s overestimating their maintenance requirement, and getting fat as a result.

Worked example: 70% of adults in the US are overweight and 30% are obese. Note: that’s not 30% of the 70%. Straight 1-in-3 merkins are chubsters, medically speaking.

tl;dr: we all eat too much.
New I blame breakfast cereal.
I mean, look at the picture on the box. Bowl is full to nearly overflowing.

Then look at the "serving size". 40g, maybe for 200 calories. Put a bowl on a digital scale, weigh out 40g. Look at the picture again. The picture is probably over 1000 calories of food, and that's what we regard as a normal bowl of cereal...

I also blame giant beverages. I remember when 16 oz Cokes were new and were huge. They're bigger now. Even if they have no calories, a quart of fluid is 2 pounds. If you're not peeing it away, you're carrying it around. And who knows what the artificial sweeteners are doing to your body's sense of satiatedness, etc., etc.

A pound of body fat is supposedly around 3500 calories. If one is eating an extra 1000 calories in the morning, every morning, it doesn't take long to put on the pounds... :-(

But, yeah, it was a bit of a culture shock when we vacationed in Switzerland and the portions were so "small". We got used to it in a few days, but it was an adjustment!

New Water weight is a thing...
...but not that much of a thing (outwith certain medical conditions).

Losing weight is tough, especially when you get over the initial novelty and early gains from a caloric deficit, and into the long haul of maintaining self-discipline. It becomes very tempting to rationalise away one’s failure to lose a kilo this week on “water weight”, but it’s much more likely you just ate (or, if you’re not a diet pop person, drank) more than you thought or wanted to think.

You’re right - breakfast cereal is ridiculous and those “serving suggestions” are misleading at best. Other prime offenders are pop (soda), coffee (many people load their coffee with milk and cream and syrup and a myriad other things, none of which have any business being in a cup of joe), and of course processed food - even if you set aside the “ultra processed” issue, a lot of processed food is extraordinarily calorie-dense.

It doesn’t help that The Internet stands ready and willing to tell you that your weight is not your fault, you can and indeed should eat whatever you like, whenever you like. Furthermore it’s fine to be fat, because fat people are just as healthy (until they hit fifty and their knees and hearts and whatever all say “fuck you, I’m ruined”).

It’s all horseshit, of course. Anyone can lose weight at a caloric deficit. It requires a lot of self-discipline in the face of a epicurean environment designed to thwart you at every turn, and depending on where you live (food deserts suck) it can be really hard. But ultimately it can be done, and the alternative is worse. I think of all the things I fear in later life, losing my sight and my mobility* are top of the tree, other than dementia.

No-one says “oh, I know you shouldn’t smoke, but giving up is hard, and intuitive smoking is fine anyway, and grandma smoked a hundred a day well into her nineties. And grandad took heroin every day for fifty years and it didn’t do him any harm!”, so I’m not sure why being addicted to food gets a free pass the way it does.
* Weight-related failure modes: joint failure, COPD, heart issues, just being too damn fat to walk any distance, etc. At the extremes, losing limbs and appendages to diabetes sure does seem like it’d suck. Quick and permanent weight loss though, so; to-may-to, to-mar-to.
Expand Edited by pwhysall June 20, 2024, 01:55:19 AM EDT
New We get trained to ignore satiation.
New Everybody's deficit looks different as well
I use an app that bases daily caloric limits on 1) what my current goal is (maintenance, gain, or loss), 2) how much I've eaten, and 3) what my weight has actually done, by 4) adjusting once a week based on the previous 3 weeks. Only way to fly.

Maintenance for me (178cm, 77kg, 18% bf) is 2520kcal. I walk occasionally (maybe once a week depending on how much of Canada is currently on fire), lift 3 times a week, and use a standing desk, so not really all that active.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Absolutely
On 2500, I’d be a fuckin’ sphere :D
New I have been eating kids meals for years, can barely finish them. Rare occation when I do fast food
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New Yup, kids meal was the regular size in the 50s
Mine, I got the medium combo, and the onion rings was enough for two people. But I ate them, because what am I gonna do, throw them out?

New man I cant even finish a small fries anymore
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Expand Edited by boxley June 19, 2024, 11:16:44 PM EDT
New We all got old
I used to eat competitively with b-man. We would go to an all. You can eat seafood place and we would have them bringing out the king crab legs out continuously. I can do about 19 clusters before I explode.

Speaking of the cereal portions. You know those tiny portable rectangular cereal boxes? The kind you split down the center and pour the milk into? I think that's the appropriate cereal size but when I was a kid I'd look at that thing and say God damn that's tiny.

We discovered the native American casino 10 minutes away. Not that we gamble. But when we first showed up here I popped my head in there and I thought the food was silly and overpriced. But I was looking at the silly pizza. So 2 years later I look at their daily special and I see them Wednesday. They have a 20 oz porterhouse steak with salad and starch of choice. For 30 bucks. Wow. That's two meals for me. I eat a salad and a bit of the starch and about a third of the steak and I'm full. The rest gets packed up and taken home for a great second meal.

I like being old.
New I'm eating the "right" amount these last couple weeks
I'm in Philly taking care of my mother, while my brother is rehabbing from a stroke. (And looking for long-term care for her, because I strongly suspect he's not going to be able to any more.)

In the past whenever I'd visit I'd do a small hoagie or cheesesteak most nights. Now that I'm here for weeks at a time, I've only done that a few times, and I'm splitting them with my mother. Literally half of what I used to eat for dinner, and I'm not hungry before breakfast.

New Go hang out in Jim's second floor
Get the window seat. You get an amazing view of the South Street weird people while you get to chow down on the steak sandwich.
New I'm gonna say the most Philly thing I can
Jim's is for tourists. Michael's, around the corner from me, is way better.

I explain for non-natives: The best hoagie and the best cheesesteak are always from the place around the corner where you grew up.

If I were in Cleveland and Jim's showed up, yeah, I'd sing their praises. But when I'm here, gotta be Michael's.

Wawa gets a pass. It's always acceptable if you're away from your neighborhood. They've got the pretzels, too.

New I am a tourist
And there was nothing within walking distance to me growing up.

Either I'm driving or taking the speed line and then swapping trains at 8th and market. Either way it's at least a 30 minute investment either direction.

But I was there for the party anyway. I'm hanging out for hours. Waiting for the TLA to let us in at midnight for Rocky horror.

One time the line was way too long at Jim's so I picked up a cheesesteak from the Ishkabibles window. It was great.

New They moved Rocky to a theater over on Walnut, what a disappointment

New Yep, a bummer

Assuming you mean this one.

Keeping in mind I like the theater that they moved it to. That's 1 block from my father's house on spruce Street. When he was alive. I spent a lot of time walking back and forth between that area and South Street in the other direction.

I tried to envision the party atmosphere of those 6 blocks of South Street. The TLA was right in the middle of it so there were several blocks of party in either direction while we waited 2 hours until midnight.

Those theaters are kind of in isolated environment by the hotel. There's no fun shops or areas of congregation until you move a bit closer to the river. Certainly nothing like the South Street environment filled with restaurants and bars.

Oh well.

On the other hand, I'm an old man and midnight shows are totally out of the picture for me. If I was in the area, I might consider a 10:00 show.
New I want to take the wife, but at TLA
They do go back there for special events. Guess I'll have to follow their page.

     Who decided on serving sizes? - (drook) - (17)
         Over-eating is the curse of the west - (pwhysall) - (5)
             I blame breakfast cereal. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 Water weight is a thing... - (pwhysall) - (1)
                     We get trained to ignore satiation. -NT - (static)
             Everybody's deficit looks different as well - (malraux) - (1)
                 Absolutely - (pwhysall)
         I have been eating kids meals for years, can barely finish them. Rare occation when I do fast food -NT - (boxley) - (10)
             Yup, kids meal was the regular size in the 50s - (drook) - (9)
                 man I cant even finish a small fries anymore -NT - (boxley) - (8)
                     We all got old - (crazy) - (7)
                         I'm eating the "right" amount these last couple weeks - (drook) - (6)
                             Go hang out in Jim's second floor - (crazy) - (5)
                                 I'm gonna say the most Philly thing I can - (drook) - (4)
                                     I am a tourist - (crazy) - (3)
                                         They moved Rocky to a theater over on Walnut, what a disappointment -NT - (drook) - (2)
                                             Yep, a bummer - (crazy) - (1)
                                                 I want to take the wife, but at TLA - (drook)

From Cap'n Billy's Whizz Bang!
250 ms