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New Now I have a goal. Hardware that can digest Iwethey
For under 2K. In one year.

Because it's not there yet. But it looks like it will be. There's a whole bunch of multi-core chips being released in the next month or so. They have regular CPU cores and economy CPU cores and AI processing units and graphical processing units.

All intended to run on a laptop. And then 3 months later they're supposedly releasing the desktop versions. I'll wait for the desktop versions.

So their schedule is 6 months so I'll give it another 6 months in my target of using. It'll also coincide with a bit of better finances so it'll be easier.

After that I want to build an interactive system possibly based on llama. I need one that is downloadable and is non-aligned and non-restricted.

I will need to feed it the entire Iwethey database. I could scrape but I'd prefer a local copy. So hey admin?

Then I need voices. I'd request that everyone records a sample at the highest quality to their local system and email me a copy.

If anyone has a historical record of someone now deceased, I'd appreciate that. Or simply no longer with us in the manner of no longer paying attention, if you can contact them with this request then please do.

At that point I would make it voice input and output interactive. There are many web examples on how to do this.

And then we'd get to the conversations. My prompt in would be along the lines of:

As so and so, please tell me how they would answer this question:

And then I'd ask the question to initiate the conversation. I think that would be a wild ride.

We could ask it questions along the lines of: As an all-knowing entity who has access to both historical web via the wayback machine and current knowledge, how would you adjudicate this argument that ended up in the flame fest? Who was right based on knowledge of the time? And who is now right based on current events?

And then we could start the flames all over again. Hehe

At this time it can have real-time animation of photo realistic faces from a single picture. I'd ask for people's pictures. I have everybody from the wedding of course. Plus I seem to remember a beep bash on the web, if it's still up there can someone please point it out.

Of course I'd give zoom access to anybody in this group who would like it. Part of my goal would be for this thing to initiate zoom conference phone calls for me.

This is feeling like a Max Headroom moment in home computer technology. But better.

If you actually want to run it, it would fit on a single memory stick. I can mail that out if requested.

I do the same thing to my email history. I don't think I've deleted anything since I've gotten this account. Google carves out and removes chunks occasionally but I don't really care. I have some conversations with people going back as long as this has existed.

Hmmm. I think I've just gotten interested in technology again.

When done, the final goal is a device I can give to my kids and a couple of nephews/nieces. It will be an isolated device capable of running this system. It will be less than 200 bucks per device. Because those chips will be a dime a dozen in 5 years. And I plan on living longer than that and also adding to it. This device can have a couple of years of me talking and babbling and recording my life to it in real time as it firms up the personality when you ask it questions for me to respond to.

This will also record M. With her permission, of course. Just let it record our interaction live for a couple of years before one of us dies. Not all the time. Of course, that would be creepy. But sizable snapshots. This will give it an accurate sample to digest to hopefully give a good representation of our personality when it responds as us.

It'll give the other one someone/something to talk to. One of us will die and the other of us will be lonely. I wonder if that will be a comfort or a freakout in our old age? Is it uncanny valley or better than uncanny valley and acceptable? We will find out. I think an option to degrade the quality of the video or turn it into a cartoon would be a good idea. Since this is live AI generated as opposed to pre-recorded it means we can turn the optimism up or the sarcasm down or other aspects in that manner. Up to end user.

I've seen this as a Sci-Fi construct. I've also seen it done by a couple of millionaires in real life. But those were just massive "if then else" trees that took months of interviews and years of programming to create.

This can also be a therapy box. Those kids got some angry moments. Let them scream at it for a while. Maybe it will be helpful.
New "They have ... AI processing units"
Are those the ones where the Big Brother Total Recall resides? Not sure I'd be so hot for that...

   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking Everything

Mail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at iki.fi
New Always a possibility
But in this case, it looks like the Intel lunar lake is a good example of the architecture that fits the bill. The question is will it prove out in production so give it some time.

But pay attention to all the competitors because the competition is really heating up.


When we get to the point of handing the device to the kids or the grandkids and they decide to upgrade it and the silicon is multiplied by a million and it becomes sentient those will be interesting times.
New This was an episode of Black Mirror
That's what's so great about that series. Nearly every episode was either already on the cusp of happening, or people are actively trying to do it.

New tl;dr: gave it to ChatGPT to summarise
The plan is to develop an advanced interactive system using emerging multi-core chips, expected to be available for both laptops and desktops within a year. This aligns with improved finances, making the project feasible. The system, potentially based on the llama model, will be downloadable and unrestricted.

To build this, the entire Iwethey database is needed, preferably as a local copy. Voice samples from the community, including historical records, will be collected to enable voice input and output interaction. The system will engage in conversations by responding to prompts as if a knowledgeable entity.

Featuring real-time animation of photorealistic faces, photos from personal events will be used. Zoom access will be provided for group interactions, and the system can initiate Zoom calls. It will be compact, fitting on a single memory stick for easy distribution.

The final goal is to create a device for under $200 for family members, storing years of conversations to preserve the creator’s personality. It will also record interactions with the creator’s partner, M, to comfort the surviving partner. The AI-generated responses can be adjusted for user comfort.
     Now I have a goal. Hardware that can digest Iwethey - (crazy) - (4)
         "They have ... AI processing units" - (CRConrad) - (1)
             Always a possibility - (crazy)
         This was an episode of Black Mirror - (drook)
         tl;dr: gave it to ChatGPT to summarise - (pwhysall)

My God... that pizza combo is full of stars...!
35 ms