Post #444,136
5/31/24 5:15:54 AM
5/31/24 5:15:54 AM

Oh how I wish...
I’ve set the fan curve to be pretty much silent under low load. ...that my son could do the same. Don't get me wrong, I like that he sometimes keeps the door to his room open -- you might sometimes (when he doesn't have something loud on in his headphones) elicit an answer to a query, and every now and then even get some actual off-line social behavious out of him. But if I'm having a conversation with my wife, or even just watching TV with her, the fan(s?) of his PC (like that/those of his brother before him) often drown out whatever anyone is saying. And yeah, he does actually vacuum it out every now and then, so it's not just humonguous dust rats. I suspect the bearings are quite simply shot, and it's time to get new (and better) fans.
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at
Post #444,137
5/31/24 11:41:05 AM
5/31/24 11:41:05 AM

Even large case fans...
…can be quite loud at full load.
Especially when they’re just regular (aka cheap) fans, and there’s four or so of them (three at the front, one at the back).
Mine (2x120mm, front intake; no exhaust because the North case has sufficient top/rear airflow to not need it) sit at ~10% speed most of the time, ramping up to no more than 75%. At full tilt, they’re obnoxiously loud, even if I’ve got headphones on.
You need to berate him into sorting out his fan curve.
Post #444,177
6/10/24 5:24:24 AM
6/10/24 5:24:24 AM

He doesn't even have a fan club, let alone a curve to grade them on.
But yeah, I know what you mean, and will bring it up with him.
Downside is, maybe he already has. (Dunno how much he's learnt from Big Bro, and how much he in turn was into all that.)
Worst case, I'll (half? He has a freaking job now, for summer!) sponsor him to some actually good ones, because I suspect / assume that what he has now are just some cheap-ass generics.
Is it still "Noctua" one is supposed to look for, or...?
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at
Post #444,178
6/10/24 8:11:24 AM
6/10/24 8:11:24 AM

Noctua looks like the quietest
I can have them delivered to my door for 35 bucks tomorrow. You need four of them? 140 bucks, double that for shipping to people who live with the reindeer.
Versus peace and quiet so you can have a gentle conversation?
What the hell is wrong with you? Order them, get them to your door, tell him to install them, tell him he owes you some money and hang it over his head for a while. And then forgive the debt.
This is for you, not him. Yes he is impacting your life. He's a kid that you made. That's how it works. You placed him in the environment where he now makes noise. It's your fault. Now fix it.
Post #444,181
6/10/24 9:29:43 AM
6/10/24 9:29:43 AM

I grew up with four siblings -- a little noise isn't that much of a hardship, I could just live with it. Raising my voice is no problem; I'm a loud guy. (The arguments between our parents when we were kids were... not pretty.) And my dear Anki is half-deaf, so we gotta have the telly on pretty loud anyways; could be she doesn't even hear those fans. And as a responsible father, I hafta teach him to balance greed vs quality vs social mores... "Yes, you should switch to quieter fans for the rest of the household's sake" vs "Get quality stuff; yes it costs more, but it's worth it in the long run" vs "But don't be an idiot and overpay for bling and brand names". And, yes, to do stuff for himself -- but with some friendly help and support. I'll at least hover in the background -- especially since I haven't really built any PCs from the ground up, so it'll be a useful learning experience for me too. And he is on track to earn several grand from a two-month 33-hr/wk job this summer, so I'll probably at least initially go with "I'll pay half, by paying for them and you can pay me back your half later"... And then probably forgive some, most, or maybe even the entirety of that. Dunno yet. And thanks! But probably no need: I'm pretty sure I can get stuff delivered direct to here[1], no need to have two legs of delivery. ___ [1]: From Verkkokauppa or Jimm's or Multitronic or Power... Or we'll check on one or another or a third of the domestic price-comparison sites. Or if it's all to expensive here, we could always check a Swedish one and order for delivery to one of my sisters, and pick it up there when we go visit later in the summer. But yeah, if none of that works / comes out cheaper, I might have to bother you! ;-)
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at
Post #444,185
6/10/24 10:35:32 AM
6/10/24 10:35:32 AM

Don't give him time for research, procrastination or paralysis through analysis
You have the knowledge of what you want or the ability to do the research. You're doing it right now. Get to the point of checklist of items to buy and a couple of choices if you're that type of guy. Show three. The expensive one that someone would be stupid to buy, the cheap one made out of s*** no one should want to buy as well, and the one you actually want him to buy in the middle.
I remember when mode: I gave the a boy (12 or 13 at the time, seemed to have some technology knowledge) a stack of scsi discs and a stack of scsi boards and a stack of sata discs and a stack of sata boards and a few usable intel computer frames and I said have fun.
This was stuff I had accumulated through the years as either upgrades from work that would have been discarded or by buying stuff at the computer fairs.
I should have paid closer attention. Scsi termination was not something he was familiar with, nor did he feel the need to research at the time. He just plugged s*** together until something worked. In the process he burned out 3/4 of the equipment. A learning experience.
Post #444,193
6/11/24 2:42:49 AM
6/11/24 2:42:49 AM

And he'd certainy see through that three alternatives approach and find it insulting to his intelligence, too obviously guiding him.
But yeah, we'll do something like that in co-operation.
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at
Post #444,188
6/10/24 3:17:32 PM
6/10/24 3:17:32 PM

The quietest fans are from BeQuiet
Post #444,192
6/11/24 2:39:28 AM
6/11/24 2:39:28 AM
