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New Hrumph!
So I panically go check my OS version to see what hell I'm in for and see that I'm currently 14. And then I realize. I have a Google pixel.

Go get yourself a Google pixel as God and Google decreed and thou shalt never be shocked on an update. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Sure you will get fancy stuff and cheaper stuff and faster stuff and shinier stuff. But will you get the standard of the OS? I think not.
New Sony all but abandoned my Xperia years ago.
I got two, maybe three major OS upgrades. But this was at a time when manufacturers normally only supported phones for about 3 years, tops. And it wasn't a new model at the time.

Google has been saying Pixel 7s and 8s will be supported for at least 5 years, perhaps longer. They were under pressure to stop the mobile phone churn as it creates to much e-waste and the best way is to lead by example.

     Buying new phone. What a debacle. - (static) - (5)
         #Telestra I tried to give you money but you wouldn't take it -NT - (drook) - (1)
             Pretty much -NT - (static)
         New phone is here! - (static) - (2)
             Hrumph! - (crazy) - (1)
                 Sony all but abandoned my Xperia years ago. - (static)

It goes well with the chicken.
65 ms