but selecting that, waiting for reload (which already means.. it went on down the list) - I don't ever see "the one post selected" - ONLY.
I'll try various combos of selecting that option, before and after selecting The Post of interest..
I think it's Code Red.
"Show one comment only" appears only After one selects a post (and its little cheeldrun tag along). Select "SOCO" and: no difference! Just reloads entire thread - in fact, down to THIS one which I am editing)
First time the "purple=read" link stayed same. Second - turned to blue=unaccessed yet. THEN: toggled to show proper "showall" AND indeed truncated at that post.
{sigh} Maybe need to hit that link again, add to 'good guy' WW list. Sheesh - security IS a PITA; ya gotta tell it every Little thing..
Sorry 'bout false alarm - I'm just a MCN (Nemesis)
BTW, I'd prefer that you add new posts as opposed to editing to clarify things. Keeps a better trail of what was going on, and I tend to ignore edits because I expect that they're usually typos and the like.