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New Actually, editorials aren't that new at all
They've been around for years and years. In case you were wondering.

My point is that bias in opinion is not bad. Bias in news is bad. Newspaper editorials, columnists, talk radio; these are not news. They are expressions of opinion (and are expected to have a bias). The blather that comes out of Dan Rather, Peter Jennings (and whoever anchors Fox) on the 6pm news is news and should not be biased (within reason of course-can't expect perfect impartiality from imperfect humans.)

Now, if you're all upset about conservatives ruling the talk-radio airwaves, go right ahead and start your own liberal talk radio show and see if you can make it in the free market.

Brian Bronson
New My satire was pointed at your nonsensical response
The post I started with refernced 'media', not 'news'. So do you have a point or what?
"We are patriotic citizens too. Patriotism means 'love of country',
caring about its people, its ecosystem, and others around us. Not giving
blind loyalty and a blank check to George W. Bush. We are patriotic enough
to care about the long term effects instead of just the short term gain.

Therefore it is our patriotic duty to guard our country and our constitution
against people and forces hiding behind the flag."

-Jello Biafra
     Media bias part 2. Talk radio. - (Silverlock) - (12)
         So? Talk radio is opinion, not news -NT - (bbronson) - (4)
             Tell that to the ditto heads - (Silverlock) - (3)
                 "Edutainment"? :) - (Brandioch)
                 Actually, editorials aren't that new at all - (bbronson) - (1)
                     My satire was pointed at your nonsensical response - (Silverlock)
         Blow me up, Tom! - (Brandioch)
         wjno randi rhoades coming your way soon - (boxley)
         Re: Media bias part 2. Talk radio. - (wharris2) - (4)
             Scratch "Politically Incorrect" too - for 'budget' reasons! - (Ashton) - (3)
                 I don't know about liberal/conservative Washington anyway - (wharris2) - (2)
                     I still prefer mine. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                         Unfortunately, no. - (wharris2)

Return the relics to the elephants, and Atlantis rises.
39 ms