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New Anyone with a spare iPhone 4 or newer to donate could store that

Expand Edited by drook Jan. 20, 2024, 03:20:39 PM EST
New Eggzackerlee
Ee Tee Ay:

Like VMS, OS/2 is probably overdue for being made fully open-source.

Also like VMS, it’s almost certainly all-but-impossible to unpick and resolve the licensing situation.
Expand Edited by pwhysall Jan. 12, 2024, 01:17:33 AM EST
New Yes, that is the case.
IBM was petitioned to open-source OS/2, but they actually replied and explained why they couldn't. There is lots of code they licensed many years ago and don't own the rights to open-source it. Some of the licensees no longer exist, either.

New What's the legal status if the rights holder no longer exists?

New Copyright goes with the carcass
If you can't track down who owns it, you're SOL until it expires.
New This must have been back when they had some actual credibility as an Open Soure champion... :-(
i.e. before implementing that super-sleazy "You're not allowed to redistribute ostensibly 'Open' RHEL source code under the terms of your RHEL support contract" shit in their Purple Hat subsidiary.

   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking Everything

Mail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at iki.fi
New Yah, decades ago.
One of the things they did do at the time was make a version of the Workplace Shell that ran on Windows 3. And it was completely free.

     Just in case... - (scoenye) - (9)
         Has anyone replicated it on WayBack or something...? -NT - (CRConrad) - (8)
             Shouldn't be hard - I can't imagine it's at all large by modern standards - (pwhysall) - (7)
                 Anyone with a spare iPhone 4 or newer to donate could store that -NT - (drook) - (6)
                     Eggzackerlee - (pwhysall) - (5)
                         Yes, that is the case. - (static) - (4)
                             What's the legal status if the rights holder no longer exists? -NT - (drook) - (1)
                                 Copyright goes with the carcass - (scoenye)
                             This must have been back when they had some actual credibility as an Open Soure champion... :-( - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                 Yah, decades ago. - (static)

I signed a contract that said so.
52 ms