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Questioning our great leader's ethics in wartime. Shame on you.
"We are patriotic citizens too. Patriotism means 'love of country',
caring about its people, its ecosystem, and others around us. Not giving
blind loyalty and a blank check to George W. Bush. We are patriotic enough
to care about the long term effects instead of just the short term gain.

Therefore it is our patriotic duty to guard our country and our constitution
against people and forces hiding behind the flag."

-Jello Biafra
New I wish I had kept a copy of my letter.
To the editor, which amazingly got published in a mid-west newspaper. It was back when the Father was President, fighting the evil Saddam Hussein. I wrote that I was disturbed by the the War protestors slogan of "Protest the War, but Support our Troops!". I argued, rather effectively if I do so say myself, that this logic was reminiscent of the Nazi's defense at Nuremburg. This time as last time, "the troops are just following orders, they're not bad, it's not their fault, etc." I concluded with the observation that it may well be argued that difference between the USA in 1991 and Nazi Germany was one of degrees only.

I fear it has gotten worse. Contrast Herr Ari Fleischer's admonition that "Americans are reminded that they have to watch what they say, watch what they do now" with the statement, "You must not question the Fuhrer, the Fuhrer knows best". How much difference is there in the sentiments of those statements?

It remains to be seen whether another decade will make the differences between the USA and Nazi Germany distinguishable at all.


p.s. And don't nobody "Godwin" me. I'm serious.

Edits were some spelling and grammar to avoid FLAME from Ashton. ;-)
Expand Edited by mmoffitt July 3, 2002, 04:53:44 PM EDT
New "It Can't Happen Here" Sinclair Lewis \ufffd1935 - prescience.
..and lots by Grahame Greene. (In the American Grain, for one).

It would not even be surprising! to see US go down that well-trod path; what's to stop us? We have the Means, the Opportunity and - a current population largely ignorant of its putative Founding Principles.. and of most of the rest of the world, to boot.

Motive: to maintain our miltary and economic hegemony over the planet (for a while.. longer). And the organs of 'communications' are in solidly Corporate hands (as is the Executive and largely the USSC). Congress - that goes without saying.

An EZ-slide - and look What is in Charge, currently?

     Enron v. 0.90 - (mmoffitt) - (7)
         More of a Martha Stewart, if you ask me...but... - (Simon_Jester) - (4)
             Maybe, but you have to admit... - (mmoffitt) - (3)
                 WDYHASM? - (Silverlock) - (2)
                     I wish I had kept a copy of my letter. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                         "It Can't Happen Here" Sinclair Lewis \ufffd1935 - prescience. - (Ashton)
         S you will admit that he is smart enough to pull it off :) -NT - (boxley) - (1)
             Hardly. - (mmoffitt)

30,000 pounds.... of bananas!
38 ms